The history and art of printing. In two parts. Part I. containing I. A Concise History of the Art from its Invention to the present Time; with the several Charters granted to the Company of Stationers. II. Specimens of Printing Types of all Sizes, and various Languages, Music Types, Flowers and Ornaments. Part II. treating of I. The necessary Materials made use of in a Printing Office … V. Of Correctors and Correcting, with Directions to Authors how to mark Corrections in their Proof Sheets. VI. Of Casting off Copy. Vii. Alphabets and Characters of various Languages and Sciences. Viii. Of the Business requisite to be done in the Warehouse, and the Duty of the Warehouseman. IX. An Explanation of Technical Terms used in Printing. … containing a great Variety of Instructions and Examples that are not to be found in any other Performance. By P. Luckombe, M. T. A
Philip Luckombe