The great historical, geographical, genealogical and poetical dictionary; being a curious miscellany of sacred and prophane history. Containing, in short, the lives and most remarkable actions of the patriarchs, judges, and kings of the Jews; of the apostles, ... of popes, cardinals, bishops, &c. Of heresiarchs and schismaticks, ...; of emperors, kings, ... and great generals; of ancient and modern authors; of philosophers, inventors of arts, and all those who have recommended themselves to the world, ... Together with the establishment and progress both of religious and military orders, and the lives of their founders. As also, the fabulous history of the heathen gods and heroes. The description of empires, kingdoms, ... and other considerable places, both of ancient and modern geography ... The second edition revis’d, corrected and enlarg’d to the year 1688; by Jer. Collier, A.M
Jeremy Collier, Louis Moréri