Borrower Name Book Title Author Date Out Date In Rep. Fine
John CozineA voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world Volume 2
transcribed: Cooks Voyage
John CozineA voyage to the Pacific Ocean Volume 3
transcribed: "
John CozineThe history of the reign of Peter the Cruel, King of Castile and Leon. By John Talbot Dillon, Esq. B.S.R.E.... Volume 1
transcribed: Peter the Cruel
John CozineEnquiries concerning lettres de cachet, the consequences of arbitrary imprisonment, and a history of the in... Volume 1
transcribed: Mirabeaux Inquiries
John CozineEnquiries concerning lettres de cachet, the consequences of arbitrary imprisonment, and a history of the in... Volume 2
transcribed: "
John CozineThe life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. / by Sir John Hawkins Knt.
transcribed: Life of Johnson
John Hawkins2/8/17902/15/1790
John CozineThe works of Richard Savage, Esq., son of the Earl Rivers Volume 1
transcribed: Savages Works
John CozineThe Algerine spy in Pennsylvania, or, Letters written by a native of Algiers on the affairs of the United States of A...
transcribed: Algerine Spy
Peter Markoe2/24/17902/26/1790
John CozineThe poetical works of Peter Pindar, Esq. a distant relation to the poet of Thebes. To which are prefixed, Memoirs and...
transcribed: Pindar
Peter Pindar2/26/17903/15/1790
John CozineThe principles of moral and political philosophy. By William Paley, M.A. archdeacon of Carlisle.
transcribed: Paleys Philosophy
William Paley3/15/17904/2/1790
John CozineThe voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix’d with the story of Mrs...
transcribed: Boyles Voyages
William Rufus Chetwood3/24/17903/29/1790
John CozineThe works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 10
transcribed: Fielding
John CozineThe principles of moral and political philosophy. By William Paley, M.A. archdeacon of Carlisle.
transcribed: Paleys Philosophy
William Paley4/2/17904/26/1790
John CozineThe works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 11
transcribed: Fielding
John CozineArabian nights entertainments Volume 1
transcribed: Arabian Nights
John CozineThe death of Abel. In five books. Attempted from German of Mr. Gessner
transcribed: Death of Abel
Salomon Gessner4/16/17904/19/1790
John CozineHistory of the conspiracy, or negro plot in New-York
transcribed: Negro Plot
John CozineA review of the principal questions and difficulties in morals; particularly those relating to the original of our id...
transcribed: Price on Morals
Richard Price4/26/17904/17/1790
John CozineMemoirs of an unfortunate young nobleman, return'd from a thirteen years slavery in America, where he had been sent b...
transcribed: Unfort Nobleman
John CozineDissertations on the Mosaical creation, deluge, building of Babel, and confusion of tongues, &c. I. Against moder...
transcribed: Berringtons dissertations
Simon Berington4/28/17904/30/1790
John CozineMoral tales, by M. Marmontel. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Marmontels tales
John CozineMoral tales, by M. Marmontel. ... Volume 2
transcribed: "
John CozineThe history of the progress and termination of the Roman Republic. By Adam Ferguson, LL. D. F. R. S. E. Lat... Volume 1
transcribed: Fergusons Republick
John CozineMoral tales, by M. Marmontel. ... Volume 3
transcribed: Marmontels tales
John CozineMemoirs of ****. Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself, i...
transcribed: Fomosa Psalmanazar
George Psalmanazar5/26/17905/27/1790
John CozineMemoirs of ****. Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself, i...
transcribed: Life Psalmanazer
George Psalmanazar5/27/17906/3/1790
John CozineThe genuine poetical works of Charles Cotton, Esq; containing, I. Scarronides
transcribed: Cottons Works
Charles Cotton6/3/17906/5/1790
John CozineThe political magazine and parliamentary, naval, military, and literary journal. For the year .. Volume 1783.2
transcribed: Pol. Mag
John CozineThe history of the progress and termination of the Roman Republic. By Adam Ferguson, LL. D. F. R. S. E. Lat... Volume 1
transcribed: Fergusons Republic
John CozineThe political magazine and parliamentary, naval, military, and literary journal. For the year .. Volume 1782.1
transcribed: Pol. Mag
John CozineThe works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 7
transcribed: Fielding
John CozineEssays and sermons on important subjects Volume 2
transcribed: Witherspoons works
John CozineThe works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 8
transcribed: Fielding
John CozineThe life of Voltaire; with notes illustrative and explanatory. Translated from the French, By G.P. Monke, lieutenant ...
transcribed: Life of Voltaire
Abbé Théophile Imarigeon Duvernet7/2/17907/13/1790
John CozineThe works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 9
transcribed: Fielding
John CozineGeorge Bateman Volume 1
transcribed: Geo Bateman
John CozineMemoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [sic], King of Prussia / by Joseph Towers, L.L.D. Volume 1
transcribed: Towers Friedk
John CozineLectures on history, and general policy; to which is prefixed, an essay on a course of liberal education for civil an...
transcribed: Priestley Lectures
Joseph Priestley7/13/17907/29/1790
John CozineMemoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [sic], King of Prussia / by Joseph Towers, L.L.D. Volume 1
transcribed: Towers Friedk
John CozineMoral and literary dissertations, on the following subjects; 1. On truth and faithfulness. 2. On Habit and Associatio...
transcribed: Percivals dissertations
Thomas Percival7/29/17908/5/1790
John CozineMemoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [sic], King of Prussia / by Joseph Towers, L.L.D. Volume 2
transcribed: Towers Friedk
John CozineRemarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s Dublin, in a series of letters from J...
transcribed: Orrery on Swift
John Boyle Orrery8/5/17908/11/1790
John CozineA view of antient history; including the progress of literature and the fine arts. By William Rutherford, D. D. Maste...
transcribed: Ruderford his
William Rutherford8/11/17909/1/1790
John CozineThe beauties of Genlis; being a select collection, of the most beautiful tales and other striking extracts, from Adel...
transcribed: Beauties Genlis
Stéphanie Félicité, comtesse de Genlis8/16/17908/23/1790
John CozineThe romance of real life. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. ...
transcribed: Romance Real Life
Charlotte Turner Smith8/16/17908/27/1790
John CozineThe adventures of Roderick Random. In two volumes. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Roderick Random
John CozineThe adventures of Roderick Random. In two volumes. ... Volume 2
transcribed: "
John CozineThe travels of Sir John Chardin into Persia and the East-Indies, through the Black Sea, and the country of Colchis / ...
transcribed: Chardins Travels
Sir John Chardin9/1/17909/11/1790
John CozineThe sorrows of Werter ... Volume 2
transcribed: Sorrows Werter
John CozineAn historical, critical, geographical, chronological, and etymological dictionary of the Holy Bible, in thr... Volume 1
transcribed: Calmets Dictionary
John CozineThe sylph; a novel.
transcribed: Sylph
Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire9/11/17909/22/1790
John CozineInteresting memoirs. By a lady. In two volumes. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Interesting Memoirs
John CozineThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 1
transcribed: Grandison
John CozineThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 2
transcribed: "
John CozineThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 3
transcribed: "
John CozineThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 4
transcribed: "
John CozineThe recess; or, a tale of other times. By the author of The chapter of accidents. Volume 1
transcribed: Recess
John CozineThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 5
transcribed: Grandison
John CozineThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 6
transcribed: "
John CozineThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 7
transcribed: "
John CozineThe recess; or, a tale of other times. By the author of The chapter of accidents. Volume 2
transcribed: Recess
John CozineEvelina; or, the history of a young lady’s entrance into the world. Volume 2
transcribed: Evelina
John CozineThe history of Miss Greville. In two volumes. By the author of Interesting memoirs. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Greville
John CozineThe history of Miss Greville. In two volumes. By the author of Interesting memoirs. ... Volume 2
transcribed: "
John CozineInteresting memoirs. By a lady. In two volumes. ... Volume 2
transcribed: Interesting Memoirs
John CozineJulia de Roubigné, a tale. In a series of letters. Published by the author of The man of feeling, and The ... Volume 1
transcribed: Julia de Roubigne
John CozineThe life of Baron Frederic Trenck; containing his adventures; his cruel and excessive sufferings, during ten years im...
transcribed: Baron Trenck
Friedrich Freiherr von der Trenck10/19/179011/1/1790
John CozineTravels through Syria and Egypt, in the years 1783, 1784, and 1785. Containing the present natural and political stat...
transcribed: Volney's Travels
Constantin-François de Chasseboeuf de Volney10/28/179011/11/1790
John CozineHistory of the Honourable Edward Mortimer. By a lady.
transcribed: Ed Mortimer
Albinia Gwynn11/1/179011/9/1790
John CozineA series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the Red-Sea, on the coasts of Arabia and Egypt; and of a route th...
transcribed: Irvines Adventures
Eyles Irwin11/9/179011/16/1790
John CozineSermons. By the late Reverend George Carr, Senior Clergyman of the English Episcopal Congregation in Edinbu... Volume 1
transcribed: Carrs Sermons
John CozineA voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, towards the Antarctic Polar Circle, and round the world Volume 1
transcribed: Sparrmans Voyage
John CozineThe life of Voltaire; with notes illustrative and explanatory. Translated from the French, By G.P. Monke, l... Volume 2
transcribed: Life Voltaire
John CozineSermons. By the late Reverend George Carr, Senior Clergyman of the English Episcopal Congregation in Edinbu... Volume 2
transcribed: Carrs Sermons
John CozineThe journal of a tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL. D. / by James Boswell, Esq. ; containing some poetica...
transcribed: Boswells journal
James Boswell12/10/179012/20/1790
John CozineA tour through the western, southern, and interior provinces of France; by N.W. Wraxall, Esq.
transcribed: Wraxals tour
Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall12/20/17901/3/1791
John CozineMemoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, Esq. A military officer, in the services of Prussia, Russia, and Great Britain. Contain...
transcribed: Bruces Memoirs
Peter Henry Bruce12/20/17901/3/1791
John CozineThe history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George II. By Dr. Goldsmith. The second edition. In f...
transcribed: Hist Engd
Oliver Goldsmith1/3/17911/10/1791
John CozineAnecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL. D., during the last twenty years of his life / by Hesther Lynch Piozzi.
transcribed: Johnsons Anecdotes
Hester Lynch Piozzi1/3/17911/15/1791
John CozineThe history of the American Indians
transcribed: Adair hist America
James Adair1/10/17911/18/1791
John CozineThe beauties of magazines, reviews, &c. Volume 2
transcribed: Beauties Mag
John CozineLetters from Italy, in the years 1754 and 1755, by the late Right Honourable John Earl of Corke and Orrery. Published...
transcribed: Lord Orrerys Letters
John Boyle Orrery1/18/17911/31/1791
John CozineAn account of Corsica, the journal of a tour to that island; and memoirs of Pascal Paoli. By James Boswell, Esq; Illu...
transcribed: Boswells Corsica
James Boswell1/22/17911/28/1791
John CozineRemarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s Dublin, in a series of letters from J...
transcribed: Orrery on Swift
John Boyle Orrery1/28/17912/7/1791
John CozineThe life of Captain James Cook. By Andrew Kippis, D. D. F. R. S. and S. A. ..
transcribed: Cooks Life
Andrew Kippis1/31/17912/1/1791
John CozineMemoirs of the protectorate-house of Cromwell; deduced from an early period, and continued down to the present time
transcribed: Life Cromwell
Mark Noble2/1/17911/22/1791
John CozineThe life of the late John Elwes, Esq. ...
transcribed: Elwes life
Edward Topham2/7/17912/14/1791
John CozineModern times; or, the adventures of Gabriel Outcast. Supposed to be written by himself. In imitation of Gil Blas. In ...
transcribed: Modern times
John Trusler2/14/17912/21/1791
John CozineThe life and extraordinary history of the Chevalier John Taylor ... Volume 1
transcribed: Life of Dr. Taylor
John CozinePhilological inquiries in three parts by Iames Harris Esq. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Harris Inquiry
John CozineThe life and extraordinary history of the Chevalier John Taylor ... Volume 2
transcribed: Dr. Taylor
John CozineThe life of Baron Frederic Trenck; containing his adventures; his cruel and excessive sufferings, during ten years im...
transcribed: Baron Trenck
Friedrich Freiherr von der Trenck2/25/1791
John CozinePhilological inquiries in three parts by Iames Harris Esq. ... Volume 2
transcribed: Harris Inquiry
John CozineA tract on duelling
transcribed: Sharp on Duelling
Granville Sharp2/28/17913/1/1791
John CozineA view of antient history; including the progress of literature and the fine arts. By William Rutherford, D. D. Maste...
transcribed: Rutherforths an hist
William Rutherford3/1/17913/12/1791
John CozineThe private life of the Romans. Translated from the French of M. D’Arnay, Professor of the Belles Letters, &c. ...
transcribed: D'arnays life Romans
Jean Rodolphe d' Arnay3/12/17913/26/1791
John CozineHistory of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Volume 3
transcribed: Gibbons
John CozineHistory of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Volume 4
transcribed: "
John CozineAn history of the earth, and animated nature Volume 1
transcribed: Goldsmiths An Nature
John CozineAn account of the shipwreck and captivity of M. de Brisson; containing a description of the deserts of Africa, from S...
transcribed: Shipwreck
Pierre-Raymond de Brisson4/18/17914/26/1791
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