Peter Wilson | A treatise on the police of London; containing a detail of the various crimes and misdemeanors by which public and pr... transcribed: Police London | Patrick Colquhoun | 11/6/1799 | 11/28/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | Mathematical tracts of the late Benjamin Robins, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society, and Engineer General to ... Volume 1 transcribed: Robins M Tracts | | 11/28/1799 | 12/6/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, considered in it’s present state of improvement. Describ... Volume 3 transcribed: Adams Philosophy | | 12/6/1799 | 12/10/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | The denial; or, the happy retreat. A novel. By the Rev. James Thomson. In two volumes. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Denial | | 12/10/1799 | 12/12/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | Lectures on natural and experimental philosophy, considered in it’s present state of improvement. Describ... Volume 3 transcribed: Adam's Lectures | | 12/12/1799 | 12/16/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | The denial; or, the happy retreat. A novel. By the Rev. James Thomson. In two volumes. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Denial | | 12/16/1799 | 12/18/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | A history of inventions and discoveries. By John Beckmann, Public Professor of Economy in the University of... Volume 2 transcribed: Beckman's H. Invent | | 12/18/1799 | 12/23/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | A system of mechanics and hydrostatics, being the substance of lectures upon those branches of natural philosophy, by... transcribed: Parkison Mech | Thomas Parkinson | 12/23/1799 | 12/24/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | Cecilia Volume 2 transcribed: " Cecilia | | 12/24/1799 | 12/27/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | Select odes of Pindar and Horace, translated Volume 2 transcribed: Tasker's Odes | | 12/27/1799 | 12/28/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | Matilda Volume 1 transcribed: Matilda | | 12/28/1799 | 12/30/1799 | | |
Peter Wilson | Matilda Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 12/30/1799 | 1/2/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Matilda Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 1/2/1800 | 1/6/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | A history of inventions and discoveries. By John Beckmann, Public Professor of Economy in the University of... Volume 3 transcribed: Beckman Invent | | 1/6/1800 | 1/24/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Memoirs of ****. Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself, i... transcribed: Life Psalmanazer | George Psalmanazar | 1/6/1800 | 1/15/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Annals of the troubles in the Netherlands. From the accession of Charles V. Emperor of Germany. In four par... Volume 1 transcribed: Trouble Netherlands | | 1/15/1800 | 1/22/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Annals of the troubles in the Netherlands. From the accession of Charles V. Emperor of Germany. In four par... Volume 2 transcribed: Trouble Netherlands | | 1/22/1800 | 1/25/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Travels through various provinces of the Kingdom of Naples, in 1789. By Charles Ulysses, of Salis Marschlins. Transla... transcribed: Travels in Naples | Karl Ulysses von Salis Marschlins | 1/24/1800 | 2/1/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Purchas his pilgrimes. In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient... Volume 1 transcribed: Purch Pilgrim | | 1/25/1800 | 2/1/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The New wonderful magazine, and marvellous chronicle Volume 3 transcribed: Wonderful Mag | | 2/1/1800 | 2/4/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Travels in the two Sicilies, by Henry Swinburne, Esq. in the years 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780. Volume 1 transcribed: Swinburn's Travels | | 2/1/1800 | 2/6/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The New wonderful magazine, and marvellous chronicle Volume 1 transcribed: Wonderful Mag | | 2/4/1800 | 2/6/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The denial; or, the happy retreat. A novel. By the Rev. James Thomson. In two volumes. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Denial | | 2/6/1800 | 2/11/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Walsingham; or, the pupil of nature, a domestic story. By Mary Robinson, author of Angelina-Hubert de sevra... Volume 1 transcribed: Walsingham | | 2/11/1800 | 2/13/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Walsingham; or, the pupil of nature, a domestic story. By Mary Robinson, author of Angelina-Hubert de sevra... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/13/1800 | 2/17/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 1 transcribed: Mavor's Voyages | | 2/17/1800 | 2/18/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/18/1800 | 2/27/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 9 transcribed: " | | 2/27/1800 | 3/5/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharine the Second, and to the close of the present centur... Volume 2 transcribed: Tookes R Empire | | 3/5/1800 | 3/17/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Cecilia Volume 1 transcribed: Cecilia | | 3/12/1800 | 3/18/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Cecilia Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/18/1800 | 3/18/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharine the Second, and to the close of the present centur... Volume 3 transcribed: Tookes V. R. Emp | | 4/17/1800 | 7/8/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The British tourists; or traveller’s pocket companion, through England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Com... Volume 1 transcribed: Mavor's Brit Tourist | | 4/19/1800 | 4/28/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The philosophy of the passions; demonstrating their nature, properties, effects, use and abuse. In two volu... Volume 2 transcribed: Philosophy Passions | | 4/28/1800 | 5/5/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English blank verse, by W. Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq... Volume 1 transcribed: Cowper's Homer | | 5/5/1800 | 5/10/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The young philosopher Volume 2 transcribed: Young Philosopher | | 5/10/1800 | 6/13/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The works of Alexander Pope, Esq; complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements Volume 2 transcribed: Pope's Works | | 7/24/1800 | 7/26/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Rash vows, or, the effects of enthusiasm. A novel. Translated from the French of Madame de Genlis, ... Volume 2 transcribed: Rash Vows | | 7/26/1800 | 8/23/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | The holy Inquisition, wherein is represented what is the religion of the Church of Rome transcribed: Holy Inquisition | Luke Beaulieu | 10/15/1800 | 10/20/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | A history of the late siege of Gibraltar. With a description and account of that garrison, from the earliest periods transcribed: Drink Gibralter | John Drinkwater | 10/20/1800 | 11/1/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Plutarch’s Lives, translated from the original Greek, with notes critical and historical, and a new Life ... Volume 1 transcribed: Langh. Plutarch | | 11/1/1800 | 11/5/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Sonninis Travels transcribed: Somonnis Travels | | 11/5/1800 | 12/10/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Memoirs relative to Egypt, written in that country during the campaigns of General Bonaparte, In the Years 1798 and 1... transcribed: Memoirs Egypt | Institut d'Egypte (1798-1801) | 12/5/1800 | 12/10/1800 | | |
Peter Wilson | Lectures on ecclesiastical history. To which is added, an essay on Christian temperance and self-denial Volume 1 transcribed: Campbelles Lect | | 12/10/1800 | 1/8/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnificent Volume 1 transcribed: Life Lorens D M | | 12/10/1800 | 1/8/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnificent Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 1/8/1801 | 1/23/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The denial; or, the happy retreat. A novel. By the Rev. James Thomson. In two volumes. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Denial | | 1/8/1801 | 1/9/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Lectures on ecclesiastical history. To which is added, an essay on Christian temperance and self-denial Volume 1 transcribed: Campbells Lectures | | 1/9/1801 | 1/10/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The denial; or, the happy retreat. A novel. By the Rev. James Thomson. In two volumes. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Denial | | 1/23/1801 | 2/7/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Edinburgh magazine Volume 4 transcribed: Edinb. Mag. | | 2/7/1801 | 2/11/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | An account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Composed from the journals and co... transcribed: Wilsons Voyage | George Keate | 3/5/1801 | 3/19/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Domestic medicine; or, The family physician transcribed: Family Physician | William Buchan | 3/11/1801 | 5/8/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The history of Great Britain, From the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar. Written on a... Volume 1 transcribed: Henry's Gr Brit | | 3/8/1801 | 5/8/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world; in which the coast of north-west Ame... Volume 2 transcribed: Van Covers Voyage | | 5/19/1801 | 6/4/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The history of Great Britain, From the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar. Written on a... Volume 4 transcribed: Henry Gr Brit | | 5/23/1801 | 6/3/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The history of Great Britain, From the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar. Written on a... Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 6/3/1801 | 6/10/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | A voyage of discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and round the world; in which the coast of north-west Ame... Volume 3 transcribed: Van Covers Voyage | | 6/4/1801 | 6/10/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The history of Great Britain, From the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar. Written on a... Volume 6 transcribed: Henry Gr Brit | | 6/10/1801 | 6/24/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Pursuits of literature transcribed: Pursuits Literat | Thomas James Mathias | 6/10/1801 | 6/15/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | An introduction to botany. Containing an explanation of the theory of that science; extracted from the works of Dr. L... transcribed: Lees Botany | Carl von Linné; James Lee | 6/24/1801 | 8/15/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The ghost-seer, or, Apparitionist, an interesting fragment, found among the papers of Count O *****, from t... Volume 2 transcribed: Armenian | | 8/15/1801 | 8/19/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The ghost-seer, or, Apparitionist, an interesting fragment, found among the papers of Count O *****, from t... Volume 1 transcribed: Armenian | | 8/15/1801 | 8/19/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The Baviad, and Maeviad / by William Gifford, esq. transcribed: Baviad | William Gifford | 8/15/1801 | 8/17/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The ghost-seer, or, Apparitionist, an interesting fragment, found among the papers of Count O *****, from t... Volume 4 transcribed: Armenian | | 8/19/1801 | 8/29/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The ghost-seer, or, Apparitionist, an interesting fragment, found among the papers of Count O *****, from t... Volume 3 transcribed: Armenian | | 8/19/1801 | 8/29/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Oeuvres de Molière, avec des remarques grammaticales, des avertissemens et des observations sur chaque pi... Volume 1 transcribed: Ouvres de Moliere | | 8/29/1801 | 9/5/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The democrat; or Intrigues and adventures of Jean le Noir, from his inlistment as a drummer in General Rochembeau’s... transcribed: Democrate | Henry James Pye | 9/5/1801 | 9/7/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Fashionable involvements Volume 2 transcribed: Fashionable Invol | | 9/7/1801 | 9/15/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Fashionable involvements Volume 3 transcribed: Fashionable Invol | | 9/7/1801 | 9/15/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Fashionable involvements Volume 1 transcribed: Fashionable Invol | | 9/7/1801 | 9/15/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 1 transcribed: Ouvres de Rousseau | | 9/15/1801 | 9/22/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 1 transcribed: " | | 9/22/1801 | 9/28/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 9/28/1801 | 10/13/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 10/13/1801 | 10/22/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 10/22/1801 | 10/30/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 10/30/1801 | 11/7/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 11/7/1801 | 11/21/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 6 transcribed: " | | 11/21/1801 | 11/28/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | The works of the British poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Robert Anderson. Volume 5 transcribed: Brit. Poets | | 11/28/1801 | 12/12/1801 | | |
Peter Wilson | Oeuvres de Monsieur de V*** [Voltaire]. Volume 30 transcribed: Ouvres de Voltaire | | 12/12/1801 | 1/2/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | A history of inventions and discoveries. By John Beckmann, Public Professor of Economy in the University of... Volume 1 transcribed: History Invent. | | 1/2/1802 | 3/6/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Desmond. A novel, in two volumes. By Charlotte Smith. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Desmond | | 3/6/1802 | 3/13/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Desmond. A novel, in two volumes. By Charlotte Smith. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Desmond | | 3/6/1802 | 3/13/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Annual Register (New) Volume 1800 transcribed: New An. Reg. 1800 | | 3/20/1802 | 6/5/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | An introduction to universal history. Translated from the Latin of Baron Holberg. With notes historical, chronologica... transcribed: Sharpes Introduction | Baron Ludvig Holberg; Sharpe, Gregory | 3/13/1802 | 4/17/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | A general view of the history of Switzerland; with a particular account of the origin and accomplishment of the late ... transcribed: Wood's Switz | John Wood, Master of the Drawing Academy, Edinburgh | 4/17/1802 | 5/14/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | The principles of natural law. By J.J. Burlamaqui, Counsellor of State, and late Professor of Natural and C... Volume 2 transcribed: Burl N. Law | | 5/14/1802 | 6/1/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | The principles of natural law. By J.J. Burlamaqui, Counsellor of State, and late Professor of Natural and C... Volume 1 transcribed: Burl N. Law | | 5/14/1802 | 6/1/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | A general view of the history of Switzerland; with a particular account of the origin and accomplishment of the late ... transcribed: Woods Switzerland | John Wood, Master of the Drawing Academy, Edinburgh | 6/1/1802 | 7/10/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Literary hours ; or, Sketches critical, narrative, and poetical Volume 2 transcribed: Drakes L. Hours | | 6/5/1802 | 7/6/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | The law of nations; or principles of the law of nature transcribed: Law Nations | Emer de Vattel | 6/5/1802 | 6/26/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | An enquiry how far the punishment of death is necessary in Pennsylvania transcribed: Bradford on Crimes | William Bradford | 6/26/1802 | 8/6/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Literary hours ; or, Sketches critical, narrative, and poetical Volume 1 transcribed: Drakes L Hours | | 7/6/1802 | 7/23/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | The history of Scotland, from the union of the crowns on the accession of James VI. to the throne of Englan... Volume 2 transcribed: Laing's Scotland | | 7/7/1802 | 7/23/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Literary leisure, or, The recreations of Solomon Saunter, esq. Volume 1 transcribed: Literary Leisure | | 7/24/1802 | 8/6/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | The sufferings of the family of Ortenberg, a novel. Translated from the German of August von Kotzebue, by P. Will, In... transcribed: Ortenb. Family | August von Kotzebue | 8/6/1802 | 9/6/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | An essay on the true principles of executive power in great states. Translated from the French of M. Necker. Volume 1 transcribed: Necker Executive | | 8/6/1802 | 8/6/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Thoughts on moral government and agency, and the origin of moral evil; in opposition to the doctrine of absolute, mo... transcribed: Butters M Agency | | 9/6/1802 | 9/15/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | The Monthly epitome and catalogue of new publications. From ... Volume 4 transcribed: M. Epitome | | 9/6/1802 | 9/25/1802 | | |
Peter Wilson | Nicholas Machiavel's Prince transcribed: Mechivals Prince | Niccolò Machiavelli | 9/16/1802 | 9/18/1802 | | |