Robert R. Randall | Letters on the prevalence of Christianity, before its civil establishment transcribed: Apthorp's Letters | East Apthorp | 1/29/1800 | 2/3/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An essay on crimes and punishments / by the Marquis Beccaria, of Milan, with a commentary by M. de Voltaire. transcribed: Baccaria on Crimes | Cesare Beccaria | 2/3/1800 | 2/6/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The journal of a tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL. D. / by James Boswell, Esq. ; containing some poetica... transcribed: Boswells Journal | James Boswell | 2/6/1800 | 2/10/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. transcribed: Johnsons Works | Samuel Johnson | 2/10/1800 | 2/15/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A tour through the Highlands of Scotland, and the Hebride isles, in MDCCLXXXVI. By John Knox. transcribed: Knoxe's Tour | John Knox | 2/15/1800 | 2/19/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The miscellaneous works of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. Volume I. Contai... Volume 1 transcribed: Bolingbrokes Works | | 2/19/1800 | 2/21/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The miscellaneous works of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. Volume I. Contai... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/21/1800 | 2/22/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The miscellaneous works of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. Volume I. Contai... Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 2/22/1800 | 3/3/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The true intellectual system of the universe Volume 1 transcribed: Cudworths System | | 3/3/1800 | 3/10/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The true intellectual system of the universe Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/10/1800 | 3/14/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The history of the Five Indian nations of Canada transcribed: History 5 Indian Nat | Cadwallader Colden | 3/14/1800 | 3/28/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The works of George Lord Lyttelton; formerly printed separately, and now first collected together Volume 1 transcribed: Lyttleton's Works | | 3/28/1800 | 4/24/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A tour in Scotland, MDCCLXIX. By Thomas Pennant, Esq; ... Volume 1 transcribed: Pennants Tour | | 4/24/1800 | 5/13/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A tour in Scotland, MDCCLXIX. By Thomas Pennant, Esq; ... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 5/13/1800 | 5/19/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Remarks on the life and writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s Dublin, in a series of letters from J... transcribed: Orrery's Swift | John Boyle Orrery | 5/19/1800 | 6/3/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The oceana and other works of Iames Harrington, with an account of his life by Iohn Toland. Volume 1 transcribed: Harrington's Works | | 6/3/1800 | 6/30/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The works of Nicholas Machiavel, secretary of state to the republic of Florence. Newly translated from the ... Volume 1 transcribed: Machevals Works | | 6/30/1800 | 7/25/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Remarks concerning the government and the laws of the United States of America transcribed: Mabley Am Const | Abbe de Mably | 7/25/1800 | 7/31/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The works of Nicholas Machiavel, secretary of state to the republic of Florence. Newly translated from the ... Volume 2 transcribed: Machavals Works | | 7/31/1800 | 8/16/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The nature and institution of government; containing an account of the feudal and English policy. By Willia... Volume 1 transcribed: Smith on Govern | | 8/16/1800 | 8/21/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The Grecian history / by Temple Stanyan. Volume 1 transcribed: Staynom's G. Hist. | | 8/21/1800 | 8/26/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The Grecian history / by Temple Stanyan. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 8/26/1800 | 8/30/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A treatise concerning civil government, in three parts. Part I. The notions of Mr. Locke and his followers, concernin... transcribed: Tucker on Govern | Josiah Tucker | 8/30/1800 | 9/10/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Memoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [sic], King of Prussia / by Joseph Towers, L.L.D. Volume 1 transcribed: Towers Frederick III | | 9/10/1800 | 9/16/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Memoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [sic], King of Prussia / by Joseph Towers, L.L.D. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 9/16/1800 | 9/27/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A dissertation on miracles transcribed: Campbell on Mira | George Campbell | 9/27/1800 | 10/9/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A history of the late siege of Gibraltar. With a description and account of that garrison, from the earliest periods transcribed: Drinkwaters Gibral | John Drinkwater | 10/9/1800 | 10/20/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A view of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written at various times, between the years 1787 and 1... transcribed: Coxes V. America | Tench Coxe | 10/20/1800 | 11/1/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A journey over land to India, partly by a route never gone before by any European, by Donald Campbell, of Barbreck, E... transcribed: Campbells Journey | Donald Campbell | 11/1/1800 | 11/9/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Notes on the state of Virginia. Written by Thomas Jefferson. transcribed: Jeffersons Notes | Thomas Jefferson | 11/9/1800 | 11/20/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Philosophical dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese. Translated from the French of Mr. de Pauw, Privat... Volume 1 transcribed: De Pauw Dessert | | 11/20/1800 | 12/2/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Vindiciæ Gallicæ. Defence of the French Revolution and its English admirers, against the accusations of the Right H... transcribed: Vindicia Galacies | James Mackintosh | 12/2/1800 | 12/8/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland; in the autumn of M,DCC,XCII. Relating to the... transcribed: Heron's Journey Scot | Robert Heron | 12/9/1800 | 12/9/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland; in the autumn of M,DCC,XCII. Relat... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 12/9/1800 | 12/13/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Observations made in a journey through the western counties of Scotland; in the autumn of M,DCC,XCII. Relat... Volume 1 transcribed: " | | 12/9/1800 | 12/13/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A synopsis of husbandry. Being cursory observations in the several branches of rural economy. Adduced from a long and... transcribed: Banister's Synop | John Banister | 12/13/1800 | 12/27/1800 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Travels through the United States of North America, the country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada transcribed: Liancourts Travels | François-Alexandre-Frédéric La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt | 12/27/1800 | 1/3/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The history of the new world, by Don Juan Baptista Munoz. Translated from the Spanish, with notes by the tr... Volume 1 transcribed: Monozs New World | | 1/3/1801 | 1/8/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Mythology compared with history transcribed: Tressan's Mythology | M. l'abbé de Tressan | 1/8/1801 | 1/14/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | The rise, progress, and consequences, of the new opinions and principles lately introduced into France; with observat... transcribed: Principle Frances | James Thomson | 1/14/1801 | 1/17/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An essay on the principle of population, as it affects the future improvement of society. With remarks on the specula... transcribed: Population | Thomas Robert Malthus | 1/17/1801 | 1/22/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Letters written during a residence in England. Translated from the French of Henry Meister. Containing Many Curious R... transcribed: Misters Letters | Jacques-Henri Meister | 1/22/1801 | 1/27/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness / by William God... Volume 1 transcribed: Godwines P Justice | | 1/27/1801 | 1/31/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A voyage round the world, in the years 1785, 1786, 1787, and 1788. Performed in the King George, commanded ... Volume 1 transcribed: Portlock & Dict Voyage | | 1/31/1801 | 2/4/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A natural and civil history of California Volume 2 transcribed: History Carafonia | | 2/4/1801 | 2/10/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A natural and civil history of California Volume 1 transcribed: History Carafonia | | 2/4/1801 | 2/10/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An authentic account of the embassy of the Dutch East-India Company, to the court of the Emperor of China, ... Volume 2 transcribed: Van Braams Emb | | 2/10/1801 | 2/14/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An authentic account of the embassy of the Dutch East-India Company, to the court of the Emperor of China, ... Volume 1 transcribed: Van Braams Emb | | 2/10/1801 | 2/14/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | A voyage to the river Sierra-Leone, on the coast of Africa; containing an account of the trade and productions of the... transcribed: Matthews Voyage | John Matthews | 2/14/1801 | 2/19/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Volume 1 transcribed: Stauntons Embassy | | 2/19/1801 | 2/21/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/21/1801 | 2/26/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 2/26/1801 | 3/2/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Travels round the world, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. By Monsieur de Pages, captain in the Fr... Volume 1 transcribed: Pages Travels | | 3/2/1801 | 3/7/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Travels round the world, in the years 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771. By Monsieur de Pages, captain in the Fr... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/7/1801 | 3/11/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Purchas his pilgrimes. In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient... Volume 1 transcribed: Purchous Pilgr. | | 3/11/1801 | 3/23/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Purchas his pilgrimes. In fiue bookes. The first, contayning the voyages and peregrinations made by ancient... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/23/1801 | 4/25/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Observations made during a voyage round the world, on physical geography, natural history, and ethic philosophy. Espe... transcribed: Forsters Observat | Johann Reinhold Forster | 4/25/1801 | 5/9/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Voyages to the East-Indies Volume 1 transcribed: Stavernius Voyage | | 5/9/1801 | 5/23/1801 | | |
Robert R. Randall | Voyages to the East-Indies Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 5/23/1801 | 7/2/1801 | | 3/2 |