Borrower Name Book Title Author Date Out Date In Rep. Fine
Nathaniel F. MooreMeditations and disquisitions upon the Lords prayer. By Sr. Richard Baker, Knight.
transcribed: Baker on Lords Prayer
Richard Baker8/11/18008/18/1800
Nathaniel F. MooreOf the confusions and revolutions of goverments [sic]. Wherein is examined, how farre a man may lawfully conforme to ...
transcribed: Ascham on Govern
Antony Ascham8/18/18008/22/1800
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of the execrable Irish rebellion trac’d from many preceding acts, to the grand eruption the 23. of Octo...
transcribed: Irish Rebellion
Edmund Borlase2/26/18023/1/1802
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of the reign of Queen Anne, digested into annals. Year the first. Containing, Besides other Memorable Tra...
transcribed: Annals Q Ann
Abel Boyer3/1/18023/8/1802
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 7
transcribed: Grandison
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of Sir Charles Grandison. In a series of letters. By Mr. Samuel Richardson. In seven volumes. Volume 4
transcribed: Grandison
Nathaniel F. MooreThe World displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected and compiled from the writer... Volume 1
transcribed: World Displayed
Nathaniel F. MooreThe World displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected and compiled from the writer... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreTransactions for which no related book has been identified.
transcribed: Rd 9/7 in pmt
Nathaniel F. MooreThe constitution of England
transcribed: De Lome Const
Jean L. Lolme1/24/18032/3/1803
Nathaniel F. MooreEssays on the history of mankind in rude and cultivated ages. By James Dunbar, LL. D. Professor Of Philosophy In The ...
transcribed: Dunbar on Man
James Dunbar2/3/18032/15/1803
Nathaniel F. MooreTravels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. By Mr. Bossu, Captain in the French M... Volume 1
transcribed: Bossut Travels
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of Louisiana, or of the western parts of Virginia and Carolina Volume 1
transcribed: History Louisanna
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of Louisiana, or of the western parts of Virginia and Carolina Volume 1
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreHarrison’s British classicks. Volume 4
transcribed: Harrisons B Classics
Nathaniel F. MooreThe iliad and Odyssey of Homer, translated into English blank verse, by W. Cowper, of the Inner Temple, Esq... Volume 2
transcribed: Cowper's Homer
Nathaniel F. MooreThe Roman history, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with maps and oth... Volume 2
transcribed: Hookes R Hist
Nathaniel F. MooreThe Roman history, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with maps and oth... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreThe Roman history, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with maps and oth... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreThe Roman history, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with maps and oth... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreCuriosities of literature. Consisting of anecdotes, characters, sketches, and observations, literary, criti... Volume 1
transcribed: Curiosities Literat
Nathaniel F. MooreThe mysteries of Udolpho, a romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe, ... In thre... Volume 2
transcribed: Mysteries Udolpho
Nathaniel F. MooreThe mysteries of Udolpho, a romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe, ... In thre... Volume 3
transcribed: Mysteries Udolpho
Nathaniel F. MooreThe mysteries of Udolpho, a romance; interspersed with some pieces of poetry. By Ann Radcliffe, ... In thre... Volume 1
transcribed: Mysteries Udolpho
Nathaniel F. MooreFemale biography, or, Memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women, of all ages and countries Volume 1
transcribed: Female Biography
Nathaniel F. MooreFemale biography, or, Memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women, of all ages and countries Volume 2
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreFemale biography, or, Memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women, of all ages and countries Volume 5
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreFemale biography, or, Memoirs of illustrious and celebrated women, of all ages and countries Volume 6
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreTransactions for which no related book has been identified.
transcribed: Epistolae Phirii
Nathaniel F. MooreThe letters of Pliny the Consul Volume 2
transcribed: Melmoths Pliny
Nathaniel F. MooreThe letters of Pliny the Consul Volume 1
transcribed: Melmoths Pliny
Nathaniel F. MoorePrivate memoirs relative to the last year of the reign of Lewis the Sixteenth, late King of France. By Ant.... Volume 2
transcribed: Bertrands Memoirs
Nathaniel F. MoorePrivate memoirs relative to the last year of the reign of Lewis the Sixteenth, late King of France. By Ant.... Volume 3
transcribed: Bertrands Memoirs
Nathaniel F. MoorePrivate memoirs relative to the last year of the reign of Lewis the Sixteenth, late King of France. By Ant.... Volume 1
transcribed: Bertrands Memoirs
Nathaniel F. MooreJerusalem delivered Volume 1
transcribed: Hooles Tasso
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of the Peloponnesian War, translated from the Greek of Thucydides. To which are annexed three p... Volume 2
transcribed: Smiths Theucididies
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of the Peloponnesian War, translated from the Greek of Thucydides. To which are annexed three p... Volume 1
transcribed: Smiths Theucididies
Nathaniel F. MoorePursuits of literature
transcribed: Pursitt Literat
Thomas James Mathias10/18/180410/23/1804
Nathaniel F. MooreThe sacred and prophane history of the world connected, from the creation of the world to the dissolution o... Volume 1
transcribed: Shuckfords Connection
Nathaniel F. MooreThe sacred and prophane history of the world connected, from the creation of the world to the dissolution o... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreLectures on natural and experimental philosophy, considered in it’s present state of improvement. Describ... Volume 1
transcribed: Adam's Philosophy
Nathaniel F. MooreHistoria musica, nella quale si ha piena cognitione della teorica, e della pratica antica della musica harmonica ; se...
transcribed: Historia Musica
Giovanni Andrea Angelini Bontempi11/13/180411/27/1804
Nathaniel F. MooreThe sacred and prophane history of the world connected, from the creation of the world to the dissolution o... Volume 3
transcribed: Shuckford's Connect
Nathaniel F. MooreAn essay on electricity, explaining the principles of that useful science; and describing the instruments, contrived ...
transcribed: Adams Elect
George Adams11/19/180411/27/1804
Nathaniel F. MooreThe works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Volume 3
transcribed: Johnson's Works
Nathaniel F. MooreThe Old and New Testament connected, in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declensi... Volume 1
transcribed: Prideau's Connect
Nathaniel F. MooreThe Old and New Testament connected, in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declensi... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreThe Old and New Testament connected, in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declensi... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a view of the progress of society in Europe, from t... Volume 1
transcribed: Robertson's Charles V
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a view of the progress of society in Europe, from t... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreMiscellaneous works, in verse and prose, of the Late Right Honourable Joseph Addison, Esq; in three volumes... Volume 2
transcribed: Addisons Works
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. With a view of the progress of society in Europe, from t... Volume 3
transcribed: Robertsons Charles V
Nathaniel F. MooreTwenty-four lectures on the Italian language, delivered at the Lyceum of Arts, Sciences, and Languages; ... By Mr. Ga...
transcribed: Italian Lectures
Giovanni Antonio Galignani3/20/18053/30/1805
Nathaniel F. MooreOpere del Signor Abate Pietro Metastasio. Volume 10
transcribed: Metastasio
Nathaniel F. MooreCato
transcribed: Cato on Old Age
Marcus Tullius Cicero4/13/18055/16/1805
Nathaniel F. MooreAn enquiry into the nature of the human soul; wherein the immateriality of the soul is evinced from the pri... Volume 1
transcribed: Baxter on Soul
Nathaniel F. MooreM. Tullii Ciceronis Opera ad optimas editiones collata. Praemittitur vita ex Plutarchi graeco latine reddit... Volume 10
transcribed: Opera Cicero
Nathaniel F. MooreA philosophical treatise on the passions. By T. Cogan, M.D.
transcribed: Cogan on Passions
Thomas Cogan6/19/18057/3/1805
Nathaniel F. MooreElements of general history. Translated from the French of the abbé Millot. Part first. Ancient History. I... Volume 3
transcribed: Millotts G History
Nathaniel F. MooreElements of general history. Translated from the French of the abbé Millot. Part first. Ancient History. I... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume, Esq. A... Volume 2
transcribed: Humes England
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume, Esq. A... Volume 3
transcribed: Humes England
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume, Esq. A... Volume 1
transcribed: Humes England
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume, Esq. A... Volume 1
transcribed: "
Nathaniel F. MooreThe age of Lewis XIV / translated from the French of M. de Voltaire. Volume 2
transcribed: Age Lewis XIV
Nathaniel F. MooreThe age of Lewis XIV / translated from the French of M. de Voltaire. Volume 1
transcribed: Age Lewis XIV
Nathaniel F. MooreThe history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the revolution in 1688. By David Hume, Esq. A... Volume 2
transcribed: Humes England
Nathaniel F. MooreThe age of Lewis XIV / translated from the French of M. de Voltaire. Volume 1
transcribed: Age Lewis XIV
William ProctorThe Monthly mirror Volume 13
transcribed: Monthly Mirror
William ProctorThe Jesuit; or, the history of Anthony Babington, Esq. An historical novel, by the authoress of ’More Gho... Volume 2
transcribed: Jesuit
William ProctorThe Jesuit; or, the history of Anthony Babington, Esq. An historical novel, by the authoress of ’More Gho... Volume 3
transcribed: Jesuit
William ProctorThe Jesuit; or, the history of Anthony Babington, Esq. An historical novel, by the authoress of ’More Gho... Volume 1
transcribed: Jesuit
William ProctorEssays and treatises on several subjects. In two volumes. By David Hume. Esq;...Containing Essays, Moral, P... Volume 2
transcribed: Humes Essays
William ProctorThe spirit of the public journals for... Volume 6
transcribed: Spirit Journals
William ProctorDe Valcourt; a novel, by Mrs. Bennett.
transcribed: Devalcourt
Anna Maria Bennett11/19/180312/3/1803
William ProctorMordaunt. Sketches of life, characters, and manners, in various countries; including the, memoirs of a Fren... Volume 2
transcribed: Mordaunt
William ProctorMordaunt. Sketches of life, characters, and manners, in various countries; including the, memoirs of a Fren... Volume 3
transcribed: Mordaunt
William ProctorMordaunt. Sketches of life, characters, and manners, in various countries; including the, memoirs of a Fren... Volume 1
transcribed: Mordaunt
William ProctorStudies of chess
transcribed: Philador on Chess
F. D. Philidor12/23/18031/26/18044/4
William ProctorStudies of chess Volume 2
transcribed: "
William ProctorStudies of chess Volume 1
transcribed: "
William ProctorStudies of chess Volume 2
transcribed: "
William ProctorStudies of chess Volume 2
transcribed: "
William ProctorStudies of chess Volume 1
transcribed: "
William ProctorThe journal of Frederick Hornemann's travels, from Cairo to Mourzouk, the capital of the kingdom of Fezzan, in Africa.
transcribed: Hornemans Travels
Friedrich Hornemann3/20/18043/31/1804
William ProctorThe Village Pastor and His Children Volume 2
transcribed: Village Pastor
William ProctorThe Village Pastor and His Children Volume 3
transcribed: Village Pastor
William ProctorThe Village Pastor and His Children Volume 4
transcribed: Village Pastor
William ProctorThe Village Pastor and His Children Volume 1
transcribed: Village Pastor
William ProctorA classical dictionary of the vulgar tongue.
transcribed: Vulgar Dictionary
Francis Grose5/28/18046/22/18048d
William ProctorMordaunt. Sketches of life, characters, and manners, in various countries; including the, memoirs of a Fren... Volume 2
transcribed: Mordaunt
William ProctorMordaunt. Sketches of life, characters, and manners, in various countries; including the, memoirs of a Fren... Volume 3
transcribed: Mordaunt
William ProctorMordaunt. Sketches of life, characters, and manners, in various countries; including the, memoirs of a Fren... Volume 1
transcribed: Mordaunt
William ProctorThe vale of Conway Volume 2
transcribed: Vale Conway
William ProctorThe vale of Conway Volume 3
transcribed: Vale Conway
William ProctorThe vale of Conway Volume 4
transcribed: Vale Conway
William ProctorThe vale of Conway Volume 1
transcribed: Vale Conway
William ProctorHenrietta Bellmann; or the New Family Picture,
transcribed: Henerietta Bellmann
August Heinrich Julius Lafontaine8/8/18048/11/1804
William ProctorThe adventures of Hugh Trevor. By Thomas Holcroft. ... Volume 2
transcribed: Hugh Trevor
William ProctorThe adventures of Hugh Trevor. By Thomas Holcroft. ... Volume 3
transcribed: Hugh Trevor
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