Valentine Peters | The works in verse and prose, of William Shenstone, Esq. Volume 2 transcribed: Shenstons Works | | 12/3/1799 | 12/21/1799 | | 2d |
Valentine Peters | The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson. Volume 54 transcribed: Johnson's Poets | | 12/21/1799 | 12/30/1799 | | |
Valentine Peters | The life of Jane de St. Remy de Valois, heretofore Countess de la Motte. containing a circumstantial and ex... Volume 1 transcribed: Countess dela Motte | | 12/30/1799 | 1/2/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Fabulae Aesopi graecè & latinè, nunc denuo selectae transcribed: Osops Fables (greek) | Aesop | 1/2/1800 | 1/3/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Emilia de St. Aubigne transcribed: Emilia | Mrs. Burke | 1/3/1800 | 1/8/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Matilda Volume 1 transcribed: Matilda | | 1/8/1800 | 1/12/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Matilda Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 1/12/1800 | 1/16/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Matilda Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 1/16/1800 | 1/21/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Camilla Volume 1 transcribed: Camilla | | 1/21/1800 | 2/4/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The disappointed heir Volume 1 transcribed: Disappointed Heir | | 2/4/1800 | 2/11/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The disappointed heir Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/11/1800 | 2/15/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The orphan of the Rhine, a romance. By Mrs. Sleath. Volume 1 transcribed: Orphan Rhine | | 2/15/1800 | 2/18/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The orphan of the Rhine, a romance. By Mrs. Sleath. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/18/1800 | 2/20/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The orphan of the Rhine, a romance. By Mrs. Sleath. Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 2/20/1800 | 2/28/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The orphan of the Rhine, a romance. By Mrs. Sleath. Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 2/28/1800 | 3/5/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The knights of the Swan; or, the court of Charlemagne Volume 1 transcribed: Knights Swan | | 3/5/1800 | 3/10/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Cecilia Volume 1 transcribed: Cecilia | | 3/10/1800 | 3/11/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The history of Lady Julia Mandeville. In two volumes. By the translator of Lady Catesby’s letters. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Julia Mandivelle | | 3/11/1800 | 3/14/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Married Libertine, or the History of Miss Melville. Volume 1 transcribed: Married Libertine | | 3/14/1800 | 3/18/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Married Libertine, or the History of Miss Melville. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/18/1800 | 3/21/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 1 transcribed: Happy Release | | 3/21/1800 | 3/26/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/26/1800 | 3/29/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 3/29/1800 | 3/29/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The fate of Sedley Volume 2 transcribed: Fate Sedley | | 5/10/1800 | 5/16/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The Adventures of Henry Fitzherbert, gentleman. transcribed: Henry Fitzherbert | | 5/16/1800 | 6/7/1800 | | 8d |
Valentine Peters | The Adventures of Henry Fitzherbert, gentleman. transcribed: " 6d | | 9/25/1800 | | | 6d |
Valentine Peters | Adeline St. Julian; or, the midnight hour. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Anne Ker, Author of the Heiress... Volume 2 transcribed: Adeline St. Julian | | 9/25/1800 | 10/8/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Montalbert. A novel. By Charlotte Smith. In three volumes. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Montalbert | | 10/8/1800 | 10/18/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Montalbert. A novel. By Charlotte Smith. In three volumes. ... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 10/18/1800 | 10/23/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Count di Novini; or the confederate Carthusians. A Neapolitan tale. In two volumes. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Count Di Novini | | 10/23/1800 | 10/29/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Count di Novini; or the confederate Carthusians. A Neapolitan tale. In two volumes. ... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 10/29/1800 | 11/8/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Count di Novini; or the confederate Carthusians. A Neapolitan tale. In two volumes. ... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 11/8/1800 | 11/18/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | A tale of the times. By the author of A gossip’s story. Dedicated by permission to Mrs. Carter Volume 1 transcribed: Tale Times | | 11/18/1800 | 11/24/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | A tale of the times. By the author of A gossip’s story. Dedicated by permission to Mrs. Carter Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 11/24/1800 | 12/4/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The natural son; a novel; in two volumes. Translated from the French of M. Diderot, author of the Nun, Jame... Volume 2 transcribed: Natural Son | | 12/4/1800 | 12/10/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The natural son; a novel; in two volumes. Translated from the French of M. Diderot, author of the Nun, Jame... Volume 1 transcribed: Natural Son | | 12/4/1800 | 12/10/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The false friend Volume 2 transcribed: False Friend | | 12/10/1800 | 12/20/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The false friend Volume 3 transcribed: False Friend | | 12/10/1800 | 12/20/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The false friend Volume 4 transcribed: False Friend | | 12/10/1800 | 12/20/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The false friend Volume 1 transcribed: False Friend | | 12/10/1800 | 12/20/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Tales of the castle Volume 2 transcribed: Tales Castle | | 12/20/1800 | 12/30/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Tales of the castle Volume 3 transcribed: Tales Castle | | 12/20/1800 | 12/30/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Tales of the castle Volume 4 transcribed: Tales Castle | | 12/20/1800 | 12/30/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | Tales of the castle Volume 1 transcribed: Tales Castle | | 12/20/1800 | 12/30/1800 | | |
Valentine Peters | The invasion ; or, what might have been. A novel. In two volumes. Volume 2 transcribed: Invasion | | 12/30/1800 | 1/5/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The invasion ; or, what might have been. A novel. In two volumes. Volume 1 transcribed: Invasion | | 12/30/1800 | 1/5/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Lord Hardyville transcribed: Lord Hardyville | | 1/5/1801 | 1/8/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The friend of virtue. Volume 2 transcribed: Friend virtue | | 1/8/1801 | 1/22/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The friend of virtue. Volume 3 transcribed: Friend virtue | | 1/8/1801 | 1/22/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The friend of virtue. Volume 1 transcribed: Friend virtue | | 1/8/1801 | 1/22/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The Jesuit; or, the history of Anthony Babington, Esq. An historical novel, by the authoress of ’More Gho... Volume 2 transcribed: Jesuit | | 1/22/1801 | 1/30/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The Jesuit; or, the history of Anthony Babington, Esq. An historical novel, by the authoress of ’More Gho... Volume 3 transcribed: Jesuit | | 1/22/1801 | 1/30/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The Jesuit; or, the history of Anthony Babington, Esq. An historical novel, by the authoress of ’More Gho... Volume 1 transcribed: Jesuit | | 1/22/1801 | 1/30/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Mentoria; or The young lady’s friend. In two volumes. By Mrs. Rowson, author of Victoria, &c. &c. Volume 2 transcribed: Mentoria | | 1/30/1801 | 2/4/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Mentoria; or The young lady’s friend. In two volumes. By Mrs. Rowson, author of Victoria, &c. &c. Volume 1 transcribed: Mentoria | | 1/30/1801 | 2/4/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | A father’s instructions; consisting of moral tales, fables, and reflections designed to promote the love of virtue,... transcribed: Percivals Tales | Thomas Percival | 2/4/1801 | 2/7/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The supposed daughter; or, innocent impostor. In which is comprised the entertaining memoirs of the two nor... Volume 2 transcribed: Supposed Daughter | | 2/7/1801 | 2/16/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The supposed daughter; or, innocent impostor. In which is comprised the entertaining memoirs of the two nor... Volume 3 transcribed: Supposed Daughter | | 2/7/1801 | 2/16/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The supposed daughter; or, innocent impostor. In which is comprised the entertaining memoirs of the two nor... Volume 1 transcribed: Supposed Daughter | | 2/7/1801 | 2/16/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Montford Castle; or the knight of the white rose. An historical romance of the eleventh century. In two vol... Volume 2 transcribed: Montford Castle | | 2/16/1801 | 2/20/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Montford Castle; or the knight of the white rose. An historical romance of the eleventh century. In two vol... Volume 1 transcribed: Montford Castle | | 2/16/1801 | 2/20/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Memoirs of the Countess D’Anois Volume 2 transcribed: Countess Anois | | 2/27/1801 | 3/7/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Memoirs of the Countess D’Anois Volume 1 transcribed: Countess Anois | | 2/27/1801 | 3/7/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Campaign of General Buonaparte in Italy, in 1796-7. By a general officer. Translated from the French by T. E. Ritchie... transcribed: Bounap Camp | T.E. Ritchie; T.E. Ritchie; Baron François René Jean de Pommereul | 3/7/1801 | 3/10/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Augusta; a novel, in three volumes, from the French, by a lady. Volume 2 transcribed: Augusta | | 3/10/1801 | 3/16/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Augusta; a novel, in three volumes, from the French, by a lady. Volume 3 transcribed: Augusta | | 3/10/1801 | 3/16/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Augusta; a novel, in three volumes, from the French, by a lady. Volume 1 transcribed: Augusta | | 3/10/1801 | 3/16/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 2 transcribed: Happy Release | | 3/16/1801 | 3/28/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 3 transcribed: Happy Release | | 3/16/1801 | 3/28/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 1 transcribed: Happy Release | | 3/16/1801 | 3/28/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Volume 1 transcribed: Stauntons China | | 3/28/1801 | 4/14/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Volume 1 transcribed: " | | 4/14/1801 | 4/23/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 4/23/1801 | 5/21/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Married Libertine, or the History of Miss Melville. Volume 2 transcribed: Married Libertine | | 7/21/1801 | 7/21/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Married Libertine, or the History of Miss Melville. Volume 1 transcribed: Married Libertine | | 7/21/1801 | 7/21/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Clarentine. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Bennett. Volume 2 transcribed: Clarentine | | 7/24/1801 | 8/1/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Clarentine. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Bennett. Volume 1 transcribed: Clarentine | | 7/24/1801 | 8/1/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Helen Sinclair Volume 2 transcribed: Helen St. Claire | | 8/1/1801 | 8/21/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Helen Sinclair Volume 1 transcribed: Helen St. Claire | | 8/1/1801 | 8/21/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Louisa; or the cottage on the moor. In two volumes. By Mrs. Helme. transcribed: Louisa | Elizabeth Helme | 8/4/1801 | 8/8/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The history of Lady Sophia Sternheim. Attempted from the German of Mr. Wieland..... Volume 2 transcribed: Sophia Sternheim | | 8/8/1801 | 8/15/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The history of Lady Sophia Sternheim. Attempted from the German of Mr. Wieland..... Volume 1 transcribed: Sophia Sternheim | | 8/8/1801 | 8/15/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | The young philosopher Volume 2 transcribed: Young Philosop | | 8/15/1801 | 9/1/1801 | | 6d |
Valentine Peters | Juvenile indiscretions. A novel. In two volumes. By the author of Anna, or the Welch heiress. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Juvenile Indescr | | 9/1/1801 | 9/12/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Juvenile indiscretions. A novel. In two volumes. By the author of Anna, or the Welch heiress. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Juvenile Indescr | | 9/1/1801 | 9/12/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Memoirs of an unfortunate queen. Interspersed with letters (written by herself) to several of her illustrious relatio... transcribed: Unfortunate Queen | Caroline Mathilde | 9/12/1801 | 9/25/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Anna; or memoirs of a Welch heiress. Interspersed with anecdotes of a nabob. In two volumes. ..
Volume 2 transcribed: Anna | | 9/25/1801 | 10/7/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Anna; or memoirs of a Welch heiress. Interspersed with anecdotes of a nabob. In two volumes. ..
Volume 1 transcribed: Anna | | 9/25/1801 | 10/7/1801 | | |
Valentine Peters | Letters from Baron Haller to his daughter, on the truths of the Christian religion. Translated from the German. transcribed: Haller's Letters | Albrecht Von Haller | 11/7/1801 | 11/28/1801 | | 7d |
Valentine Peters | The New wonderful magazine, and marvellous chronicle Volume 1 transcribed: Wonderful Mag | | 11/28/1801 | 12/31/1801 | | 2/ |
Valentine Peters | The New wonderful magazine, and marvellous chronicle Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 12/31/1801 | 1/9/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | Desmond. A novel, in two volumes. By Charlotte Smith. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Desmond | | 1/9/1802 | 1/21/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | Desmond. A novel, in two volumes. By Charlotte Smith. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Desmond | | 1/9/1802 | 1/21/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | Memoirs of the protectorate-house of Cromwell; deduced from an early period, and continued down to the pres... Volume 1 transcribed: Nobels Cromwell | | 1/21/1802 | 12/5/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | Memoirs of the protectorate-house of Cromwell; deduced from an early period, and continued down to the pres... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/5/1802 | 2/12/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | The history of Lady Sophia Sternheim. Attempted from the German of Mr. Wieland..... Volume 2 transcribed: Sophia Sternheim | | 2/12/1802 | 2/23/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | The history of Lady Sophia Sternheim. Attempted from the German of Mr. Wieland..... Volume 1 transcribed: Sophia Sternheim | | 2/12/1802 | 2/23/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | The Rebel transcribed: Rebel | Anonymous | 2/23/1802 | 3/2/1802 | | |
Valentine Peters | The orphan of the Rhine, a romance. By Mrs. Sleath. Volume 2 transcribed: Orphan Rhine | | 3/2/1802 | 3/20/1802 | | 1/4 |
Valentine Peters | The orphan of the Rhine, a romance. By Mrs. Sleath. Volume 3 transcribed: Orphan Rhine | | 3/2/1802 | 3/20/1802 | | 1/4 |