Borrower Name Book Title Author Date Out Date In Rep. Fine
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 7
transcribed: Erskins Works
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 7
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 8
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 7
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 8
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 8
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 8
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 10
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 9
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 9
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 9
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 10
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 10
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe sermons, and other practical works, of the late Reverend and learned Mr. Ralph Erskine, Minister of the... Volume 10
transcribed: "
Matthias NachCourt intrigue, or the victim of constancy, an historical romance. In two volumes. By the author of Mental Improvement.
transcribed: Court Intrigue
Sarah Green2/12/18012/24/1801
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 1
transcribed: Newton Phroph
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachDissertations on the prophecies, which have remarkably been fulfilled, and at this time are fulfilling in t... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachHale's contemplations, moral and divine. Volume 1
transcribed: Heales Contemp
Matthias NachHale's contemplations, moral and divine. Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachHale's contemplations, moral and divine. Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachPious memorials; or, the power of religion upon the mind in sickness and at death
transcribed: Pious Memorandums
Richard Burnham11/3/180211/17/1802
Matthias NachPious memorials; or, the power of religion upon the mind in sickness and at death
transcribed: "
Richard Burnham11/17/180211/17/1802
Matthias NachPious memorials; or, the power of religion upon the mind in sickness and at death
transcribed: "
Richard Burnham12/30/18021/1/1803
Matthias NachThe works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 7
transcribed: Sterne
Matthias NachThe works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 8
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn universal history, from the beginning of the world, to the empire of Charlemagne Volume 2
transcribed: Bossuets U Hist
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 4
transcribed: Voltaires U Hist
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 5
transcribed: Voltaires U Hist
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 3
transcribed: Voltaires U Hist
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 8
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 7
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe works of M. de Voltaire, translated from the French Volume 12
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe works of M. de Voltaire, translated from the French Volume 9
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe writings, of Thomas Paine, secretary for foreign affairs to the Congress of the United States of America, in the ...
transcribed: Paine's Writings
Thomas Paine4/21/18034/29/1803
Matthias NachThe Count de Hoensdern; a German tale. By the author of Constance, The Pharos, Argus, &. &. In two ... Volume 2
transcribed: Count de Hoensden
Matthias NachThe Count de Hoensdern; a German tale. By the author of Constance, The Pharos, Argus, &. &. In two ... Volume 1
transcribed: Count de Hoensden
Matthias NachThe works of M. de Voltaire, translated from the French Volume 12
transcribed: Voltaire
Matthias NachThe works of M. de Voltaire, translated from the French Volume 11
transcribed: Voltaire
Matthias NachElements of general history. Translated from the French of the abbé Millot. Part first. Ancient History. I... Volume 1
transcribed: Millots Elements G
Matthias NachElements of general history. Translated from the French of the abbé Millot. Part first. Ancient History. I... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe American geography; or, A view of the present situation of the United States of America. Illustrated with two she...
transcribed: Morses Geography
Jedidiah Morse5/24/18035/30/1803
Matthias NachThe revolution of America, by the abbé Raynal, author of the Philosophical and Political History of the Es... Volume 2
transcribed: American Revol
Matthias NachThe revolution of America, by the abbé Raynal, author of the Philosophical and Political History of the Es... Volume 1
transcribed: American Revol
Matthias NachA new system of modern geography
transcribed: Gutheries Geography
William Guthrie6/10/18036/11/1803
Matthias NachA sentimental journey through France and Italy. By Mr. Yorick.
transcribed: Sternes S Journey
Laurence Sterne6/11/18036/13/1803
Matthias NachThe works of Alexander Pope, Esq; complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements Volume 1
transcribed: Popes Works
Matthias NachThe works of Alexander Pope, Esq; complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements Volume 3
transcribed: " 3, 4
Matthias NachThe works of Alexander Pope, Esq; complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements Volume 4
transcribed: "
Matthias NachGil Blas de Santillane
transcribed: Gil Blas
Alain René Le Sage7/6/18037/13/1803
Matthias NachNotes on the state of Virginia. Written by Thomas Jefferson.
transcribed: Jeffersons Notes
Thomas Jefferson7/13/18037/15/1803
Matthias NachThe works of Alexander Pope, Esq; complete. With his last corrections, additions, and improvements Volume 5
transcribed: Popes Works
Matthias NachAn enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness / by William God... Volume 1
transcribed: Godwines P Justice
Matthias NachAn enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness / by William God... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachCampaign of General Buonaparte in Italy, in 1796-7. By a general officer. Translated from the French by T. ... Volume 1797
transcribed: Campaign
Matthias NachCampaign of General Buonaparte in Italy, in 1796-7. By a general officer. Translated from the French by T. ... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Matthias NachCampaign of General Buonaparte in Italy, in 1796-7. By a general officer. Translated from the French by T. ... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAn history of the earth, and animated nature Volume 2
transcribed: Goldsmiths A Nat
Matthias NachAn history of the earth, and animated nature Volume 4
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George II. By Dr. Goldsmith. The second edi... Volume 1
transcribed: " England
Matthias NachThe history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George II. By Dr. Goldsmith. The second edi... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George II. By Dr. Goldsmith. The second edi... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe history of England, from the earliest times to the death of George II. By Dr. Goldsmith. The second edi... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe military guide for young officers, containing a system of the art of war; Parade, camp, field duty; man... Volume 1
transcribed: Simes M Guide
Matthias NachThe speculatist Volume 2
transcribed: Speculatist
Matthias NachThe speculatist Volume 1
transcribed: Speculatist
Matthias NachPolitical annals of the present united colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 1763
transcribed: Chalmers P An
George Chalmers3/10/18044/14/18041/9
Matthias NachPolitical annals of the present united colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 1763
transcribed: "
George Chalmers4/14/18045/15/18049d
Matthias NachPolitical annals of the present united colonies, from their settlement to the peace of 1763
transcribed: "
George Chalmers5/15/18046/20/18042/
Matthias NachThe history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies Volume 1
transcribed: Edwards W Indies
Matthias NachThe history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies Volume 1
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachSeneca’s morals, by way of abstract. To which is added a discourse, under the title of An after-thought. By Sir Rog...
transcribed: Seneca's Morals
Roger L'Estrange8/15/18049/15/18041/8
Matthias NachThe law of nations; or principles of the law of nature
transcribed: Vatels Law Nat
Emer de Vattel9/15/18049/27/1804
Matthias NachInstitutes of natural law being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius de Jure belli et pacis rea... Volume 2
transcribed: Rutherfords N Law
Matthias NachInstitutes of natural law being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius de Jure belli et pacis rea... Volume 1
transcribed: Rutherfords N Law
Matthias NachInstitutes of natural law being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius de Jure belli et pacis rea... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachThe preceptor Volume 1
transcribed: Preceptor
Matthias NachThe spirit of laws. Translated from the French of M. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. By Thomas Nugent, L... Volume 1
transcribed: Spirit Laws
Matthias NachThe spirit of laws. Translated from the French of M. de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu. By Thomas Nugent, L... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Matthias NachAnnual Register (New) Volume 1801
transcribed: New An Reg
Matthias NachAn essay towards a natural history of serpents
transcribed: Owens Nat Hist
Charles Owen1/11/18051/22/1805
Matthias Nach
transcribed: Shaftesburys Charac
Matthias Nach
transcribed: Shaftesburys Charac
Matthias Nach
transcribed: Shaftesburys Charac
Matthias NachA treatise of the system of the world / by Sir Isaac Newton ; translated into English.
transcribed: Newtons S World
Sir Isaac Newton1/29/18052/2/1805
Matthias NachThe works of John Locke, Esq.; in three volumes. The contents of which follow in the next leaf. With alphab... Volume 1
transcribed: Lockes Works
Matthias NachLectures on natural and experimental philosophy, considered in it’s present state of improvement. Describ... Volume 1
transcribed: Adam's Philosop
Matthias NachThe theory of moral sentiments; or, an essay towards an analysis of the principles by which men naturally j... Volume 1
transcribed: Smiths Theory
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