Samuel Platt Broome | The origin of laws, arts, and sciences, and their progress among the most ancient nations. Translated from ... Volume 1 transcribed: Origin of Law | | 11/23/1789 | 12/14/1789 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The origin of laws, arts, and sciences, and their progress among the most ancient nations. Translated from ... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 12/14/1789 | 1/8/1790 | | 8p |
Samuel Platt Broome | Essays on the Characteristics. transcribed: Browns Essays | John Brown | 3/15/1790 | 3/17/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of the Parliament of England. transcribed: Hist Eng Parliament | Guillaume-Thomas-François abbé Raynal | 3/17/1790 | 3/19/1790 | McKinnear | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The frederician code; or, a body of law for the dominions of the King of Prussia. Founded on Reason, and th... Volume 1 transcribed: Frederican Code | | 3/19/1790 | 3/22/1790 | " | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The frederician code; or, a body of law for the dominions of the King of Prussia. Founded on Reason, and th... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/22/1790 | 3/24/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Remarks on some paragraphs in the fourth volume of Dr. Blackstone’s Commentaries on the laws of England, ... Volume 1 transcribed: Priestlys Remarks on B. Com. | | 3/24/1790 | 3/26/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of Tacitus. With political discourses upon that author, By Thomas Gordon, Esq. Volume 1 transcribed: Gordon Tacitus | | 3/26/1790 | 3/29/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of Tacitus. With political discourses upon that author, By Thomas Gordon, Esq. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/29/1790 | 3/31/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of Tacitus. With political discourses upon that author, By Thomas Gordon, Esq. Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 3/31/1790 | 4/7/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of Tacitus. With political discourses upon that author, By Thomas Gordon, Esq. Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 4/7/1790 | 4/9/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Observations on the Greek and Roman classics. In a series of letters to a young nobleman. Now published for the use o... transcribed: Observation on classics | John Hill | 4/9/1790 | 4/12/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The journal of a tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL. D. / by James Boswell, Esq. ; containing some poetica... transcribed: Boswells Journal | James Boswell | 4/12/1790 | 4/14/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An account of the manners and customs of Italy Volume 1 transcribed: Barrettis Travels | | 4/14/1790 | 4/16/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests; From the earliest accounts till the division of... Volume 1 transcribed: Gillies Greece | | 4/16/1790 | 4/19/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests; From the earliest accounts till the division of... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 4/19/1790 | 4/21/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests; From the earliest accounts till the division of... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 4/21/1790 | 4/26/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The negotiations of Count d'Avaux, ambassador from His Most Christian Majesty to the States general of the ... Volume 1 transcribed: D'Avaux Negotiations | | 4/26/1790 | 4/28/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An account of the manners and customs of Italy Volume 2 transcribed: Barrettis Travels | | 4/28/1790 | 4/30/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Letters on the importance of the rising generation of the laboring part of our fellow-subjects; being an ac... Volume 1 transcribed: Hanways Letters | | 4/30/1790 | 5/3/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The private life of Lewis XV. In which are contained the principal events, remarkable occurrences, and anec... Volume 1 transcribed: Lewis 15-private life | | 5/3/1790 | 5/5/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The private life of Lewis XV. In which are contained the principal events, remarkable occurrences, and anec... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 5/5/1790 | 5/11/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of ancient Greece, its colonies, and conquests; From the earliest accounts till the division of... Volume 4 transcribed: Gillies Greece | | 5/11/1790 | 5/14/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The private life of Lewis XV. In which are contained the principal events, remarkable occurrences, and anec... Volume 3 transcribed: Lewis 15th | | 5/14/1790 | 5/20/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The private life of Lewis XV. In which are contained the principal events, remarkable occurrences, and anec... Volume 4 transcribed: Lewis 15th | | 5/20/1790 | 5/24/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The Roman history, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with maps and oth... Volume 2 transcribed: Hookes Roman His | | 5/24/1790 | 6/14/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Chemical essays. By R. Watson, D. D. F. R. S. and regius professor of divinity in the University of Cambridge. Vol. V. transcribed: Watsons Chemical Essays | Richard Watson | 7/7/1790 | 7/14/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Historical essays on the lives of Augustus Caesar, and Lewis XIV, of cardinals Richelieu and Ximenes, and of William ... transcribed: Alleys Essays | Jerom Alley | 7/14/1790 | 7/22/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. In ten volumes. ..
Volume 7 transcribed: Rousseau | | 7/22/1790 | 7/28/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. In ten volumes. ..
Volume 8 transcribed: " | | 7/28/1790 | 8/4/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of the life of King Henry the Second, and of the age in which he lived, in five books Volume 1 transcribed: Ld. Lyttletons Henry 2nd | | 8/4/1790 | 8/7/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of the life of King Henry the Second, and of the age in which he lived, in five books Volume 2 transcribed: Ld. Lyttletons Henry 2nd | | 8/7/1790 | 8/11/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of George Lord Lyttelton; formerly printed separately, and now first collected together transcribed: " Works | George Lyttelton | 8/11/1790 | 8/14/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of the civil wars of France Volume 1 transcribed: Davila Civil War | | 8/14/1790 | 8/23/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of the civil wars of France Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 8/23/1790 | 8/27/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 2 transcribed: Oeuvres de Rousseau | | 8/27/1790 | 8/28/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 11 transcribed: " | | 8/28/1790 | 8/30/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 14 transcribed: " | | 8/30/1790 | 8/31/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 16 transcribed: " | | 8/31/1790 | 9/1/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 21 transcribed: " | | 9/1/1790 | 9/2/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 23 transcribed: " | | 9/2/1790 | 9/4/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 24 transcribed: " | | 9/4/1790 | 9/6/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 26 transcribed: " | | 9/6/1790 | 9/7/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 27 transcribed: " | | 9/7/1790 | 9/8/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 28 transcribed: " | | 9/8/1790 | 9/9/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Collection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
Volume 30 transcribed: " | | 9/9/1790 | 9/10/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The state of the prisons in England and Wales, with Preliminary Observations, and an Account of Some Foreign Prisons ... transcribed: Howard on Prisons | John Howard | 9/10/1790 | 9/23/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | New observations on Italy and its inhabitants. Written in French by two Swedish gentlemen. Translated into ... Volume 1 transcribed: Nugents Italy | | 9/23/1790 | 9/27/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated wi... Volume 8 transcribed: Mod. Un. History | | 9/27/1790 | 9/29/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated wi... Volume 9 transcribed: " | | 9/29/1790 | 10/1/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated wi... Volume 14 transcribed: " | | 10/1/1790 | 10/2/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated wi... Volume 19 transcribed: " | | 10/2/1790 | 10/6/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated wi... Volume 22 transcribed: " | | 10/6/1790 | 10/8/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated wi... Volume 23 transcribed: " | | 10/8/1790 | 10/11/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated wi... Volume 29 transcribed: " | | 10/11/1790 | 10/15/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Letters from Italy, in the years 1754 and 1755, by the late Right Honourable John Earl of Corke and Orrery. Published... transcribed: Orrerys Letters | John Boyle Orrery | 10/15/1790 | 10/18/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The life of Edward earl of Clarendon ... transcribed: Clarendones life | Edward Hyde Clarendon | 10/18/1790 | 10/26/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The nature and institution of government; containing an account of the feudal and English policy. By Willia... Volume 1 transcribed: Smith on government | | 11/1/1790 | 11/9/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The life of Benvenuto Cellini transcribed: Celenis life | Benvenuto Cellini; Thomas Nugent | 11/13/1790 | 11/19/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | A defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America, By John Adams, LL.D. And a me... Volume 1 transcribed: Adam's Defence | | 11/24/1790 | 11/27/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Natural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 2 transcribed: Buffon | | 11/27/1790 | 11/29/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Natural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 11/29/1790 | 12/2/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Natural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 12/2/1790 | 12/4/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Natural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 6 transcribed: " | | 12/4/1790 | 12/9/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Natural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 7 transcribed: " | | 12/9/1790 | 12/10/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Natural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 9 transcribed: " | | 12/10/1790 | 12/13/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | A free inquiry into the miraculous powers, which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church, from the ear... transcribed: Middleton's free inquiry | Conyers Middleton | 12/13/1790 | 12/18/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu. De l’esprit des loix. Volume 6 transcribed: Montesquieu (French) | | 12/18/1790 | 12/20/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Œuvres de Monsieur de Montesquieu. De l’esprit des loix. Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 12/20/1790 | 12/22/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | L'isle inconnue, ou, Mémoires du chevalier des Gastines / recueillis & publiés par m. Grivel, des Aca... Volume 1 transcribed: Lisle Inconnue | | 12/22/1790 | 12/24/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Lettres physiques et morales fur l'histoire de la terre et de l'homme par de luc Volume 2 transcribed: Letters Par De Luc | | 12/24/1790 | 12/24/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | L'isle inconnue, ou, Mémoires du chevalier des Gastines / recueillis & publiés par m. Grivel, des Aca... Volume 2 transcribed: Lisle Inconnue | | 12/24/1790 | 12/27/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Lettres physiques et morales fur l'histoire de la terre et de l'homme par de luc Volume 1 transcribed: Letters Par De Luc | | 12/27/1790 | 12/28/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | L'isle inconnue, ou, Mémoires du chevalier des Gastines / recueillis & publiés par m. Grivel, des Aca... Volume 3 transcribed: Lisle Inconnue | | 12/28/1790 | 12/28/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | L'isle inconnue, ou, Mémoires du chevalier des Gastines / recueillis & publiés par m. Grivel, des Aca... Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 12/28/1790 | 12/30/1790 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 1 transcribed: King Prussia | | 12/31/1790 | 1/3/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 1/3/1791 | 1/4/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 1/4/1791 | 1/5/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. transcribed: " | Frederic II | 1/5/1791 | 1/6/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. transcribed: " | Frederic II | 1/10/1791 | 1/10/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. transcribed: " | Frederic II | 1/11/1791 | 1/11/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 9 transcribed: King Prussia | | 1/11/1791 | 1/12/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 10 transcribed: " | | 1/12/1791 | 1/14/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 11 transcribed: " | | 1/14/1791 | 1/15/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 12 transcribed: " | | 1/15/1791 | 1/17/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Posthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 13 transcribed: " | | 1/17/1791 | 1/18/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Sir Isaac Newton’s philosophy explain’d for the use of the ladies. In six dialogues on light and colour... Volume 1 transcribed: Newtons Phi | | 1/18/1791 | 1/20/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The works of J. J. Rousseau. Translated from the French. In ten volumes. ..
Volume 2 transcribed: Rousseau | | 1/20/1791 | 1/22/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The history of Greece. By William Mitford, Esq. The first volume. transcribed: Mitfords Greece | William Mitford | 1/23/1791 | 1/28/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 3 transcribed: Voltaires history | | 1/28/1791 | 1/28/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | An essay on universal history, The manners and spirit of nations, from the reign of Charlemaign, to the age... Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 1/28/1791 | 1/29/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Art of Gunnery transcribed: Art of Gunnery | Johann Gottlieb Tielke | 1/29/1791 | 1/29/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | A review of the characters of the principal nations in Europe. In two volumes. transcribed: Review of Characters in Europe | John Andrews | 1/29/1791 | 2/1/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL. D., during the last twenty years of his life / by Hesther Lynch Piozzi. transcribed: Johnson An | Hester Lynch Piozzi | 2/1/1791 | 2/2/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Minutes of agriculture, made on a farm of 300 acres of various soils, near Croydon, Surry. To which is adde... Volume 2 transcribed: Marshalls agriculture | | 2/2/1791 | 2/3/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The miscellaneous works of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. Volume I. Contai... Volume 1 transcribed: Bolingbroke | | 2/3/1791 | 2/5/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The miscellaneous works of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. Volume I. Contai... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 2/5/1791 | 2/7/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | The miscellaneous works of the Right Honourable Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. Volume I. Containing lette... transcribed: " | Henry Bolingbroke | 2/7/1791 | 2/8/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Histoire de la Suisse transcribed: Histoire de le Swisse | | 2/8/1791 | 2/11/1791 | | |
Samuel Platt Broome | Recherches sur les modifications de l'atmosphère, contenant l'histoire critique du baromètre & du t... Volume 1 transcribed: Researches our L'Atmosphere | | 2/11/1791 | 2/15/1791 | | |