William Samuel Johnson | The Governess, or Courtland Abbey. A novel. Volume 4 transcribed: Governess | | 8/3/1799 | 8/10/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Physiological disquisitions; or, discourses on the natural philosophy of the elements. ... By William Jones, ... transcribed: Jones Disquisitions | William Jones | 8/5/1799 | 11/3/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The history of the poor; their rights, duties, and the laws respecting them. In a series of letters. By Tho... Volume 2 transcribed: Rugles Letters on Poor | | 8/5/1799 | 8/18/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 15 transcribed: Gentlemans Mag | | 8/6/1799 | 11/14/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Travels through Germany, Bohemia, Hungary, Switzerland, Italy, and Lorrain. Giving a true and just descript... Volume 1 transcribed: Keyslers Travels | | 8/8/1799 | 8/26/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee country, the extensive territo... transcribed: Bartrams Travels | William Bartram | 8/8/1799 | 8/18/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Travels through Arabia, and other countries in the East, performed by M. Niebuhr, ... Translated into Engli... Volume 2 transcribed: Neighburs Travels | | 8/10/1799 | 8/22/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Travels through Arabia, and other countries in the East, performed by M. Niebuhr, ... Translated into Engli... Volume 1 transcribed: Neighburs Travels | | 8/10/1799 | 8/22/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Such follies are Volume 2 transcribed: Such follies are | | 8/10/1799 | 8/18/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 16 transcribed: Gentle Mag | | 8/12/1799 | 8/22/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1779 transcribed: Annual Register 1777, 79 | | 11/14/1799 | 11/28/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The history of Great Britain, From the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar. Written on a... Volume 9 transcribed: Henry's Gr Brit | | 11/18/1799 | 11/19/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1783 transcribed: Annual Regist | | 11/18/1799 | 11/24/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 17 transcribed: Gentle Mag | | 11/18/1799 | 12/14/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Volume 9 transcribed: " Works | | 11/18/1799 | 11/27/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The history of Great Britain, From the first invasion of it by the Romans under Julius Cæsar. Written on a... Volume 10 transcribed: Henrys Gr Brit | | 11/19/1799 | 11/23/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Elements of chemistry, in a new systematic order, containing all the modern discoveries. Illustrated by thirteen copp... transcribed: Lavoiseis Chemistry | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | 11/22/1799 | 11/22/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Annual Register (New) Volume 1780 transcribed: Annual Register | | 11/22/1799 | 12/11/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1778 transcribed: Annual Register | | 11/26/1799 | 12/6/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1781 transcribed: Annual Reg | | 11/30/1799 | 12/11/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Walsingham; or, the pupil of nature, a domestic story. By Mary Robinson, author of Angelina-Hubert de sevra... Volume 1 transcribed: Walsingham | | 12/11/1799 | 12/16/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1782 transcribed: Annual Reg | | 12/11/1799 | 1/25/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The life of Catharine II, Empress of Russia Volume 2 transcribed: Life Catharine II | | 12/16/1799 | 12/23/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The life of Catharine II, Empress of Russia Volume 1 transcribed: Life Catharine II | | 12/16/1799 | 12/23/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Anna St. Ives Volume 1 transcribed: Anna St Ives | | 12/20/1799 | 1/8/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The life of Catharine II, Empress of Russia Volume 2 transcribed: Life Catharine II | | 12/23/1799 | 1/3/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, esquire / with memoirs of his life and writings, composed by himself Volume 2 transcribed: Gibbons Miscel | | 12/23/1799 | 12/30/1799 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Annual Register (New) Volume 1782 transcribed: New An Reg | | 12/27/1799 | 1/25/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Volume 10 transcribed: Johnsons's Works | | 12/28/1799 | 1/11/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Miscellaneous works of Edward Gibbon, esquire / with memoirs of his life and writings, composed by himself Volume 3 transcribed: Gibbons Miscel | | 12/30/1799 | 1/6/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Studies of nature Volume 1 transcribed: Studies Nature | | 1/3/1800 | 1/6/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Chemical essays. By R. Watson .. Third edition.
Volume 2 transcribed: Watsons Ch Essays | | 1/4/1800 | 3/5/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Studies of nature Volume 3 transcribed: Studies Nature | | 1/6/1800 | 1/30/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Studies of nature. By James-Henry-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre. Translated by Henry Hunter, D. D. Minister of ... Volume 2 transcribed: Etude de la Nat | | 1/6/1800 | 1/16/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Anna St. Ives Volume 3 transcribed: Anna St Ives | | 1/8/1800 | 1/28/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1783 transcribed: Annual Reg | | 1/11/1800 | 2/1/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 18 transcribed: Gentle Mag | | 1/14/1800 | 1/31/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The history, civil and commercial, of the British colonies in the West Indies Volume 1 transcribed: Edwards W Indies | | 1/16/1800 | 1/26/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1786 transcribed: Ann Reg | | 1/25/1800 | 2/7/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1784 transcribed: Ann Reg | | 1/25/1800 | 2/7/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The cypriots; or, a miniature of Europe in the middle of the fifteenth century. By the author of The minstr... Volume 2 transcribed: Cypriots | | 1/28/1800 | 2/7/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The anti-Jacobin, or weekly examiner. In two volumes. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Anti-Jacobinism | | 1/30/1800 | 2/14/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Memoirs of the life of Charles Macklin, Esq. principally compiled from his own papers and memorandums; whic... Volume 1 transcribed: Life Macline | | 1/30/1800 | 2/8/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Memoirs of the life of Charles Macklin, Esq. principally compiled from his own papers and memorandums; whic... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 1/31/1800 | 2/1/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The rise, progress, and consequences, of the new opinions and principles lately introduced into France; with observat... transcribed: Principles of France | James Thomson | 2/1/1800 | 2/11/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | An authentic account of an embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China Volume 2 transcribed: Stauntons Embassy | | 2/1/1800 | 2/8/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Biographical memoirs of the French Revolution. By John Adolphus, F.S.A. In two volumes. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Adolphus Memoirs | | 2/8/1800 | 2/22/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The anti-Jacobin, or weekly examiner. In two volumes. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Anti-Jacobin | | 2/8/1800 | | | |
William Samuel Johnson | History of May-Flower. A Circassian tale. transcribed: May-Flower | Anthony Hamilton | 2/8/1800 | 2/14/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Alf von Deulmen; or, The history of the Emperor Philip, and his daughters. Translated from the German by Mi... Volume 1 transcribed: Alf Von Duelman | | 2/11/1800 | 2/22/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The false friend Volume 1 transcribed: False Friend | | 2/11/1800 | 2/14/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Biographical memoirs of the French Revolution. By John Adolphus, F.S.A. In two volumes. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Adolphus Memoirs | | 2/12/1800 | 2/26/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Alf von Deulmen; or, The history of the Emperor Philip, and his daughters. Translated from the German by Mi... Volume 2 transcribed: Alf Von Duelman | | 2/14/1800 | 2/19/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The false friend Volume 2 transcribed: False Friend | | 2/14/1800 | 2/18/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The false friend Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 2/18/1800 | 2/19/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Amasis. From the French of J. H. B. de Saint Pierre. By E. A. Kendall. transcribed: Amasis | Edward Augustus Kendall; Jacques-Henri Bernardin de Saint-Pierre | 2/19/1800 | 2/26/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The false friend Volume 4 transcribed: False Friend | | 2/19/1800 | 2/22/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Travels from England to India, in the year 1789, by way of the Tyrol, Venice, Scandaroon, Aleppo, and over ... Volume 1 transcribed: Taylors Travels | | 2/22/1800 | 2/28/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | A collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments performed on the British stage. Volume 2 transcribed: Farces | | 2/22/1800 | 3/14/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 1 transcribed: Happy Release | | 2/25/1800 | 2/27/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 20 transcribed: Mavor's Voyages | | 2/26/1800 | 2/27/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The constant lover; or, William and Jeanette Volume 2 transcribed: Constant Lovers | | 2/26/1800 | 2/27/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 15 transcribed: Mavor's Voyages | | 2/27/1800 | 2/28/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The motto Volume 1 transcribed: Motto | | 2/27/1800 | 2/28/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The disappointed heir Volume 1 transcribed: Disappointed Heir | | 2/27/1800 | 3/3/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The repertory of arts and manufactures Volume 3 transcribed: Reposit Arts | | 2/28/1800 | 3/4/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Reuben and Rachel; or, tales of old times. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Rowson, ... Volume 1 transcribed: Ruben & Rachell | | 2/28/1800 | 3/8/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The repertory of arts and manufactures Volume 4 transcribed: Repert Arts | | 2/28/1800 | 3/1/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 1 transcribed: Happy Release | | 2/28/1800 | 3/1/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The history of America. By William Robertson, D.D. Principal of the University of Edinburgh, and historiographer to h... transcribed: Robertson's America | William Robertson | 3/1/1800 | 3/3/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Saint Julien. In two volumes. From the German of Augustain La Fontaine. With additional notes, historical and explana... transcribed: Saint Julien | August Heinrich Julius Lafontaine | 3/1/1800 | 3/4/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The rise, progress, and consequences, of the new opinions and principles lately introduced into France; with observat... transcribed: Principles France | James Thomson | 3/3/1800 | 3/3/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 10 transcribed: Mavors Voyages | | 3/3/1800 | 3/4/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Blandford races Volume 2 transcribed: Blandford Races | | 3/3/1800 | 3/12/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Voyages to the East-Indies Volume 3 transcribed: Staverinus Voyage | | 3/4/1800 | 3/7/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The speculatist Volume 1 transcribed: Speculatist | | 3/4/1800 | 3/5/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The Baviad, and Maeviad / by William Gifford, esq. transcribed: Baviad | William Gifford | 3/4/1800 | 3/5/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | A collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments performed on the British stage. Volume 3 transcribed: Farces | | 3/5/1800 | 3/11/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | View of the Russian empire during the reign of Catharine the Second, and to the close of the present centur... Volume 1 transcribed: Tookes R Empire | | 3/5/1800 | 3/14/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Reuben and Rachel; or, tales of old times. A novel. In two volumes. By Mrs. Rowson, ... Volume 2 transcribed: Ruben & Rachell | | 3/5/1800 | 3/31/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The annual register, or, A view of the history, politicks, and literature for the year ... Volume 1785 transcribed: Ann Reg | | 3/7/1800 | 3/7/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Biographia medica; or, historical and critical memoirs of the lives and writings of the most eminent medica... Volume 1 transcribed: Medical Biography | | 3/8/1800 | 3/18/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Married Libertine, or the History of Miss Melville. Volume 1 transcribed: Married Libertine | | 3/11/1800 | 3/13/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Biographical, literary, and political anecdotes, of several of the most eminent persons of the present age.... Volume 1 transcribed: Biograph Anecdotes | | 3/12/1800 | 3/18/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | A collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments performed on the British stage. Volume 5 transcribed: Farces | | 3/12/1800 | 3/15/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Happy Release, or the History of Charles Wharton and Sophia Hartley, in a series of letters. Volume 1 transcribed: Happy Release | | 3/13/1800 | 3/14/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Carite and Polydorus. To which is prefixed, A treatise on morals. By J. J. Barthélemy, Author of the Travels of Anac... transcribed: Crite & Polydorus | J.-J. (Jean-Jacques) Barthélemy | 3/14/1800 | 3/31/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The fairy of misfortune; or, the loves of Octar and Zulima. An eastern tale. Translated from the French by the author... transcribed: Fairy Misfortune | Edward Du Bois | 3/14/1800 | 3/18/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Letters written from various parts of the Continent, between the years 1785 and 1794 transcribed: Matthelson's Letters | Friedrich von Matthisson | 3/15/1800 | 3/26/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The New wonderful magazine, and marvellous chronicle Volume 3 transcribed: Wonderful Mag | | 3/18/1800 | 3/31/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Clara Duplessis, and Clairant Volume 2 transcribed: Clara Duplesses | | 3/18/1800 | 4/12/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | A father’s instructions; consisting of moral tales, fables, and reflections designed to promote the love of virtue,... transcribed: Percivals Tales | Thomas Percival | 3/18/1800 | 3/19/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Letters from Lord Rivers to Sir Charles Cardigan Volume 1 transcribed: Revers Letters | | 3/19/1800 | 3/23/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Tales, romances, apologues, anecdotes, and novels; humorous, satiric, entertaining, historical, tragical an... Volume 1 transcribed: Tales & Romances | | 3/22/1800 | 3/31/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Biographia medica; or, historical and critical memoirs of the lives and writings of the most eminent medica... Volume 2 transcribed: Medical Biography | | 3/22/1800 | 3/31/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Tales, romances, apologues, anecdotes, and novels; humorous, satiric, entertaining, historical, tragical an... Volume 2 transcribed: Tales & Romances | | 3/27/1800 | 3/28/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Montford Castle; or the knight of the white rose. An historical romance of the eleventh century. In two vol... Volume 1 transcribed: Montford Castle | | 3/28/1800 | 3/29/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The dagger. Translated from the German of Grosse. transcribed: Dagger | Carl Grosse | 3/29/1800 | 3/29/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | The Monthly mirror Volume 1 transcribed: Monthly Mirror | | 6/3/1800 | 6/21/1800 | | |
William Samuel Johnson | Annual Register (New) Volume 1788 transcribed: Annual Register | | 6/7/1800 | 7/8/1800 | | |