Samuel Miller | Magnalia Christi americana, or, The ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting in the year 1620, ... transcribed: Cottons Magnalia | Cotton Mather | 8/27/1799 | 10/24/1799 | | |
Samuel Miller | The American museum Volume 11 transcribed: American Museum | | 1/6/1800 | 1/8/1800 | | |
Samuel Miller | The works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Volume 1 transcribed: Johnson's Works | | 1/8/1800 | 1/23/1800 | | |
Samuel Miller | Journals of Congress Volume 8 transcribed: Journals Congress | | 3/17/1800 | 3/20/1800 | | |
Samuel Miller | Travels through Arabia, and other countries in the East, performed by M. Niebuhr, ... Translated into Engli... Volume 2 transcribed: Neighburs Travels | | 9/2/1800 | 9/4/1800 | | |
Samuel Miller | Travels in Portugal; through the provinces of Entre Douro e Minho, Beira, Estremadura, and Alem-Tejo, in the years 17... transcribed: Murphy's Portugal | James Cavanah Murphy | 9/4/1800 | 9/17/1800 | | |
Samuel Miller | Travels through Arabia, and other countries in the East, performed by M. Niebuhr, ... Translated into Engli... Volume 1 transcribed: Neighburs Travels | | 9/17/1800 | 9/29/1800 | | |
Samuel Miller | Letters, on the subject of the concert of princes, and the dismemberment of Poland and France. (first published in th... transcribed: Calm Observer | Benjamin Vaughan | 11/18/1800 | 11/29/1800 | | |
Samuel Miller | An essay on electricity, explaining the principles of that useful science; and describing the instruments, contrived ... transcribed: Adam's Electricity | George Adams | 1/21/1801 | 1/28/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Transactions of the American philosophical society, held at Philadelphia, for promoting useful knowledge Fi... Volume 1 transcribed: Philosop Transact Am | | 1/28/1801 | 2/11/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Letters of Euler to a German princess, on different subjects in physics and philosophy. Translated from the... Volume 2 transcribed: Eulers Letters | | 2/11/1801 | 2/25/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Letters of Euler to a German princess, on different subjects in physics and philosophy. Translated from the... Volume 1 transcribed: Eulers Letters | | 2/11/1801 | 2/25/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 5 transcribed: Mavors Voyages | | 2/25/1801 | 3/17/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 4 transcribed: Mavors Voyages | | 2/25/1801 | 3/17/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 9 transcribed: " | | 2/25/1801 | 3/17/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 10 transcribed: " | | 2/25/1801 | 3/17/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to t... Volume 8 transcribed: " | | 2/25/1801 | 3/17/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Phytologia; or the philosophy of agriculture and gardening. With the theory of draining morasses, and with an improve... transcribed: Darwins Pythology | Erasmus Darwin | 3/17/1801 | 4/11/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Transactions of the Society, instituted in the state of New-York, for the Promotion of Agriculture, Arts, a... Volume 1 transcribed: Trans New York S | | 4/11/1801 | 4/11/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | The complete farmer transcribed: Complete Farmer | Society of Gentlemen | 5/11/1801 | 5/16/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | A treatise on inland navigation transcribed: Phillips Inland Nav | John Phillips | 6/20/1801 | 6/23/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | The Present state of the republick of letters. For ... Volume 5 transcribed: Republic Letters | | 6/23/1801 | 6/24/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | The works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knight; ... containing his Discourses, Idlers, A journey to Flanders and ... Volume 2 transcribed: Reynolds Works | | 6/24/1801 | 6/26/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | The works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knight; ... containing his Discourses, Idlers, A journey to Flanders and ... Volume 3 transcribed: Reynolds Works | | 6/24/1801 | 6/26/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | The works of Sir Joshua Reynolds, Knight; ... containing his Discourses, Idlers, A journey to Flanders and ... Volume 1 transcribed: Reynolds Works | | 6/24/1801 | 6/26/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | A general history of music, from the earliest ages to the present period. To which is prefixed, A dissertat... Volume 4 transcribed: History Music | | 6/26/1801 | 6/29/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Annual Register (New) Volume 1781 transcribed: New An Register | | 6/29/1801 | 9/1/1801 | | 7/2 |
Samuel Miller | Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. By Dugald Stewart, ... transcribed: Stewarts Philosophy | Dugald Stewart | 9/1/1801 | 9/2/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark Volume 2 transcribed: Coxes Travels in Poland | | 9/10/1801 | 9/16/1801 | | |
Samuel Miller | Transactions for which no related book has been identified. transcribed: Douglass | | 9/16/1801 | 2/23/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | A dissertation concerning the antiquity of the Hebrew-Language, letters, vowel-points, and accents. By John Gill, D.D. transcribed: Gill on Hebrew | John Gill | 2/25/1802 | 3/4/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | Indian antiquities transcribed: Indian Antiquities | Thomas Maurice | 2/25/1802 | 3/4/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews; translated from the Latin of the Right Rev. Robert Lowth, D. ... Volume 2 transcribed: Louth on Poetry | | 3/4/1802 | 4/3/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | Lectures on the sacred poetry of the Hebrews; translated from the Latin of the Right Rev. Robert Lowth, D. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Louth on Poetry | | 3/4/1802 | 4/3/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | The works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Volume 1 transcribed: Johnson's Works | | 4/3/1802 | 4/13/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | Paradise regain'd Volume 4 transcribed: Newton's Milton | | 4/13/1802 | 4/22/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | The works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Volume 3 transcribed: Johnson's Works | | 5/20/1802 | 6/16/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | Morsels of criticism Volume 3 transcribed: Kings M Crit | | 6/16/1802 | 6/16/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | Literary hours ; or, Sketches critical, narrative, and poetical Volume 1 transcribed: Drake's L Hours | | 6/16/1802 | 6/24/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | The history of Scotland, from the union of the crowns on the accession of James VI. to the throne of Englan... Volume 2 transcribed: Laing's Scotland | | 6/24/1802 | 7/7/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | Literary hours ; or, Sketches critical, narrative, and poetical Volume 2 transcribed: Drakes L Hours | | 7/7/1802 | 7/22/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 15 transcribed: Gentle Mag | | 7/22/1802 | 8/27/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | A view of nature, in letters to a traveller among the Alps. With reflections on Atheistical philosophy, now... Volume 2 transcribed: Sulivans V Nature | | 8/27/1802 | 9/1/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | A view of nature, in letters to a traveller among the Alps. With reflections on Atheistical philosophy, now... Volume 3 transcribed: Sulivans V Nature | | 8/27/1802 | 9/1/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | A view of nature, in letters to a traveller among the Alps. With reflections on Atheistical philosophy, now... Volume 1 transcribed: Sulivans V Nature | | 8/27/1802 | 9/1/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | The works of Robert Burns; with an account of his life, and a criticism on his writings. To which are prefi... Volume 1 transcribed: Burnes Works | | 10/30/1802 | 12/14/1802 | | |
Samuel Miller | The transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. M.DCC.LXXXVII. Volume 5 transcribed: Transact R I Acad | | 12/14/1802 | 1/5/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. M.DCC.LXXXVII. Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 1/5/1803 | 1/13/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | Discourses on different subjects; by the Rev. Richard Polwhele. In two volumes. Volume 2 transcribed: Polwhells Sermons | | 1/15/1803 | 2/1/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | Experiments and observations on electricity, made at Philadelphia in America, by Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D. and F.R.S.... transcribed: Francklin's Electricity | Benjamin Franklin | 2/1/1803 | 2/4/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The history of philosophy, from the earliest times to the beginning of the present century; drawn up from B... Volume 2 transcribed: Enfields Philosophy | | 2/4/1803 | 2/7/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The Monthly review, for ... Volume 5 transcribed: Monthly Review | | 2/7/1803 | 2/14/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | An essay on the principle of population, as it affects the future improvement of society. With remarks on the specula... transcribed: Essay on Population | Thomas Robert Malthus | 2/14/1803 | 2/14/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | A treatise on man, his intellectual faculties and his education. A posthumous work of M. Helvetius. Transla... Volume 1 transcribed: Helvetius on Man | | 2/14/1803 | 2/19/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The Monthly review, for ... transcribed: Monthly Review 3 vols. | | 2/22/1803 | 2/28/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | Indian antiquities Volume 2 transcribed: Maurices Ind Ant | | 2/28/1803 | 3/21/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The Monthly review, for ... transcribed: Month Review 4vols. | | 3/21/1803 | 4/1/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The history of England from the accession of Iames I to the elevation of the House of Hanover. By Catharine Macaulay.... transcribed: Macauleys England | Catherine Macaulay | 4/1/1803 | 4/14/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The miscellaneous works of Oliver Goldsmith, M.B ... Volume 1 transcribed: Goldsmiths Works | | 4/14/1803 | 5/11/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | Political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces Volume 2 transcribed: Francklins Works | | 6/13/1803 | 7/8/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | Political, miscellaneous, and philosophical pieces Volume 1 transcribed: Francklins Works | | 6/13/1803 | 7/8/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | Magnalia Christi americana, or, The ecclesiastical history of New-England, from its first planting in the year 1620, ... transcribed: Cotton's Magnalia | Cotton Mather | 7/8/1803 | 7/13/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin; written by himself Volume 2 transcribed: Francklins Life | | 7/13/1803 | 7/15/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The life of Doctor Benjamin Franklin; written by himself Volume 1 transcribed: Francklins Life | | 7/13/1803 | 7/15/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | The Monthly review; or, New literary journal. Giving an account, with proper abstracts of, or extracts from... Volume 29 transcribed: Monthly Review N S | | 7/15/1803 | 11/9/1803 | | |
Samuel Miller | Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit Volume 2 transcribed: Priestley on Matter & Sp | | 12/10/1803 | 1/6/1804 | | |
Samuel Miller | Disquisitions relating to matter and spirit Volume 1 transcribed: Priestley on Matter & Sp | | 12/10/1803 | 1/6/1804 | | |
Samuel Miller | The history of philosophy, from the earliest times to the beginning of the present century; drawn up from B... Volume 2 transcribed: Enfield's Philosophy | | 12/10/1803 | 1/6/1804 | | |
Samuel Miller | The history of philosophy, from the earliest times to the beginning of the present century; drawn up from B... Volume 1 transcribed: Enfield's Philosophy | | 12/10/1803 | 1/6/1804 | | |
Samuel Miller | The satires of Decimus Junius Juvenalis, and of Aulus Persius Flaccus / translated into English verse by Mr. Dryden, ... transcribed: Persius & Juvenile | Juvenal | 1/12/1804 | 2/11/1804 | | |
Samuel Miller | A dissertation on the scripture expressions, the angel of the Lord, and the angel of Jesus Christ, proving that the w... transcribed: Jones' Lectures | William Jones | 9/25/1804 | 1/17/1805 | | |
Samuel Miller | The letters of Sir Thomas Fitzosborne on several subjects. transcribed: Fitzosbornes Letters | William Melmoth | 1/17/1805 | 1/29/1805 | | |
Samuel Miller | Tou theiou Platōnos Hapanta ta sōzomena. = Diuini Platonis opera omnia quae exstant. transcribed: Opera Platonis | Plato | 3/2/1805 | 5/31/1805 | | |
Samuel Miller | Sermons on the dignity of man and the value of the objects principally relating to human happiness
Volume 2 transcribed: Zoldekofers Sermons | | 12/6/1805 | | | |
Samuel Miller | Sermons on the dignity of man and the value of the objects principally relating to human happiness
Volume 1 transcribed: Zoldekofers Sermons | | 12/6/1805 | | | |
James Davidson | Nothing New Volume 2 transcribed: Nothing New | | 5/16/1804 | 5/28/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Nothing New Volume 3 transcribed: Nothing New | | 5/16/1804 | 5/28/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Nothing New Volume 1 transcribed: Nothing New | | 5/16/1804 | 5/28/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Right and wrong ; or, The kinsman of Naples Volume 2 transcribed: Kinsman Naples | | 5/28/1804 | 6/6/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Right and wrong ; or, The kinsman of Naples Volume 1 transcribed: Kinsman Naples | | 5/28/1804 | 6/6/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Moss Cliff Abbey, or, The sepulchral harmonist Volume 2 transcribed: Moss Cliffe Abbey | | 6/6/1804 | 6/8/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Moss Cliff Abbey, or, The sepulchral harmonist Volume 3 transcribed: Moss Cliffe Abbey | | 6/6/1804 | 6/8/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Moss Cliff Abbey, or, The sepulchral harmonist Volume 1 transcribed: Moss Cliffe Abbey | | 6/6/1804 | 6/8/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Amelia Mansfield / translated from the French of Madame C***, author of Malvina & Claire d'Albe Volume 2 transcribed: Amelia Mansfield | | 6/8/1804 | 6/15/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Amelia Mansfield / translated from the French of Madame C***, author of Malvina & Claire d'Albe Volume 3 transcribed: Amelia Mansfield | | 6/8/1804 | 6/15/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Amelia Mansfield / translated from the French of Madame C***, author of Malvina & Claire d'Albe Volume 4 transcribed: Amelia Mansfield | | 6/8/1804 | 6/15/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Amelia Mansfield / translated from the French of Madame C***, author of Malvina & Claire d'Albe Volume 1 transcribed: Amelia Mansfield | | 6/8/1804 | 6/15/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Delphine / by Madame de Stael. Volume 2 transcribed: Delphine | | 6/15/1804 | 6/22/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Delphine / by Madame de Stael. Volume 3 transcribed: Delphine | | 6/15/1804 | 6/22/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Delphine / by Madame de Stael. Volume 1 transcribed: Delphine | | 6/15/1804 | 6/22/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Odd enough, to be sure! or, Emilius in the world Volume 2 transcribed: Odd enough to be sure | | 6/22/1804 | 6/27/1804 | | |
James Davidson | Odd enough, to be sure! or, Emilius in the world Volume 1 transcribed: Odd enough to be sure | | 6/22/1804 | 6/27/1804 | | |
James Davidson | The widowed bride, or, Celina Volume 2 transcribed: Widdowed Bride | | 6/25/1804 | 6/30/1804 | | |
James Davidson | The widowed bride, or, Celina Volume 3 transcribed: Widdowed Bride | | 6/25/1804 | 6/30/1804 | | |
James Davidson | The widowed bride, or, Celina Volume 1 transcribed: Widdowed Bride | | 6/25/1804 | 6/30/1804 | | |
James Davidson | The infidel father Volume 2 transcribed: Infidel Father | | 6/27/1804 | 7/6/1804 | | |
James Davidson | The infidel father Volume 3 transcribed: Infidel Father | | 6/27/1804 | 7/6/1804 | | |
James Davidson | The infidel father Volume 1 transcribed: Infidel Father | | 6/27/1804 | 7/6/1804 | | |
James Davidson | The Village Pastor and His Children Volume 2 transcribed: Village Pastor | | 7/2/1804 | 7/18/1804 | | 8d |
James Davidson | The Village Pastor and His Children Volume 3 transcribed: Village Pastor | | 7/2/1804 | 7/18/1804 | | 8d |