City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

Daniel Horsmanden

A journal of the proceedings in the detection of the conspiracy formed by some white people, in conjunction with Negro and other slaves, for burning the city of New-York in America, and murdering the inhabitants. ... Containing, I. A narrative of the trials, condemnations, executions, and behaviour of the several criminals, at the gallows and stake, with their speeches and confessions; with notes, observations and reflections occasionally interspersed throughout the whole. II. An appendix, wherein is set forth some additional evidence concerning the said conspiracy and conspirators, which has come to light since their trials and executions. III. Lists of the several persons (whites and blacks) committed on account of the conspiracy; and of the several criminals executed; and of those transported, with the places whereto. By the recorder of the city of New-York. [One line in Latin from Virgil]

New York: Printed by James Parker, at the new printing-office , 1744.
Not in Collection
A journal of the proceedings in the detection of the conspiracy formed by some white people, in conjunction with Negro and other slaves, for burning the city of New-York in America, and murdering the inhabitants. ... Containing, I. A narrative of the trials, condemnations, executions, and behaviour of the several criminals, at the gallows and stake, with their speeches and confessions; with notes, observations and reflections occasionally interspersed throughout the whole. II. An appendix, wherein is set forth some additional evidence concerning the said conspiracy and conspirators, which has come to light since their trials and executions. III. Lists of the several persons (whites and blacks) committed on account of the conspiracy; and of the several criminals executed; and of those transported, with the places whereto. By the recorder of the city of New-York. [One line in Latin from Virgil] Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
Readers by Occupation

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Readers by occupation
This Title Library Average
Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
Peter EttingVolume 18/1/17999/10/1799New York Conspiracy
John R.B. Rogers12/30/17991/3/1800New York Conspiracy
George Lorillard2/28/18003/11/1800New York Conesp
Gulian Verplanck12/9/180012/12/1800New York Consp.
William G. Miller6/6/18016/29/1801New York Consp
Edward Watkeys10/26/180111/12/1801New York Conspiracy
Israel Haveland3/22/18023/31/1802New York Conspiracy
Archibald M. Cock4/12/18024/21/1802New York Consp
Edward Watkeys5/7/18025/27/1802New York Conspiracy
Joshua Whitcomb7/7/18027/8/1802New York Consp
Isaac Cock11/30/180212/4/1802New York Consperasy
Isaac Cock2/19/18034/18/18037/6New York Conspiracy
William Maxwell2/22/18042/24/1804New York Conspiracy
William G. Forbes4/13/18054/18/1805New York Consp.
Henry Priest9/4/18059/7/1805New York Conspiracy
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