City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
John Playford
Vade mecum: or, The necessary pocket companion. Containing, I. Sir Samuel Moreland’s perpetual almanack, (adapted to the new style) readily shewing the day of the month, and moveable feasts, and terms, for any year past, present, or to come, to the year 1899, inclusive; with many useful tables proper thereto, and rules to find them ... XII. The names of the counties, cities, and borough towns in Great-Britain, with the number of knights, commissioners of shires, citizens, and burgesses, chosen therein to serve in Parliament. XIII. The usual and authorized rates or fares of coachmen, carmen, and watermen. XIV. Tables for casting up nobles, marks, and guineas. The eighteenth edition, carefully corrected, with additions and improvements. To which is added, interest in epitome; or, tables in a shorter method than any yet published, from 1 pound to 10 millions, at 3, 4, 5, and 6 per cent
London: Printed for R. Ware, on Ludgate-Hill; S. Birt, in Ave-mary-Lane; C. Hitch and L. Hawes, in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Hodges, over-against St Magnus’s Church, London-Bridge
, 1753.
Not in Collection