City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
Sergeĭ Ivanovich Pleshcheev
Survey of the Russian Empire, according to its present newly regulated state, divided into different governments: shewing Their Situation and Boundaries, the Capital and District Towns of each Government; Manners, and Religion of the various Nations that compose that extensive Empire; Seas, Lakes, and Rivers; Climates; Commerce, Agriculture and Manufactures; Population and Revenues; Mountains, Minerals, Metals, and other Natural Productions. The whole illustrated with a correct map of Russia, and an Engraving, exhibiting the Arms and Uniforms of the several Governments of that Empire. By Capt. Sergey Pleschééf. The third edition, published at St. Petersburg. Translated from the Russian, with considerable additions, by James Smirnove, Chaplain to the legation of H. I. M. of all the Russias, at the court of Great Britain
Alternate Titles
London: Printed for J. Debrett, opposite Burlington House, Piccadilly
, 1792.