City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
John Perry
The state of Russia, under the present Czar. In relation to the several great and remarkable things he has done, as to his naval preparations, the regulating his army, the reforming his people, and improvement of his countrey. Particularly those works on which the author was employ’d, with the reasons of his quitting the Czar’s service, after having been fourteen years in that countrey. Also an account of those Tartars, and other people who border on the eastern and extreme northern parts of the Czar’s dominions, their religion, and manner of life: with many other observations. To which is annex’d, a more accurate map of the Czar’s dominions, than has hitherto been extant. By Captain John Perry.
London: Printed for Benjamin Tooke, at the Middle-Temple-Gate, in Fleetstreet
, 1716.