City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

Pedro Mexía

The historie of all the Romane emperors, beginning with Caius Iulius Cæsar, and successiuely ending with Rodulph the second now raigning. Wherein (in summe) are contained their liues and acts, together with the rising, greatnes, and declining of the Romane Empire: the original and successe of al the most famous nations of the world: the erecting and alterations of sundrie estates and kingdoms: and generally the most part of all the memorable warres and battailes that haue bin in the world since that time. First collected in Spanish by Pedro Mexia, since enlarge in Italian by Lodouico Dulce and Girolamo Bardi, and now englished by W.T.

Alternate Titles
London: Printed [by Felix Kingston] for Matthevv Lovvnes, 1604.
The historie of all the Romane emperors, beginning with Caius Iulius Cæsar, and successiuely ending with Rodulph the second now raigning. Wherein (in summe) are contained their liues and acts, together with the rising, greatnes, and declining of the Romane Empire: the original and successe of al the most famous nations of the world: the erecting and alterations of sundrie estates and kingdoms: and generally the most part of all the memorable warres and battailes that haue bin in the world since that time. First collected in Spanish by Pedro Mexia, since enlarge in Italian by Lodouico Dulce and Girolamo Bardi, and now englished by W.T. Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
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Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
Joshua Whitcomb8/9/18008/23/1800History R Empirors
Sands Pell7/23/18027/26/1802Roman Emperors
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