Borrower Name Book Title Author Date Out Date In Rep. Fine
Isaac L. KipThe beauties of history, or, Pictures of virtue and vice, drawn from real life Volume 1
transcribed: Beauties history
Isaac L. KipLetters on the prevalence of Christianity, before its civil establishment
transcribed: Apthorps Letters
East Apthorp3/9/17903/14/1790Burr
Isaac L. KipThe history of women, from the earliest antiquity, to the present time; giving Some Account of almost every... Volume 1
transcribed: Alex. hist Women
Isaac L. KipMemoirs of ****. Commonly known by the name of George Psalmanazar; a reputed native of Formosa. Written by himself, i...
transcribed: Psalmanazars life
George Psalmanazar3/21/17903/28/1790'"'
Isaac L. KipGeorge Bateman Volume 1
transcribed: G. Bateman
Isaac L. KipTravels in North-America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782 / by the Marquis de Chastellux, one of the fort... Volume 1
transcribed: Chatteleaux
Isaac L. KipThe history of the Peloponnesian War, translated from the Greek of Thucydides. To which are annexed three p... Volume 1
transcribed: Thucydides
Isaac L. KipThe history of the Peloponnesian War, translated from the Greek of Thucydides. To which are annexed three p... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe preceptor Volume 2
transcribed: Preceptor
Isaac L. KipEmmeline, the orphan of the castle. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. Volume 1
transcribed: Emmeline
Isaac L. KipHistory of the Honourable Edward Mortimer. By a lady.
transcribed: E. Mortimer
Albinia Gwynn5/21/17905/24/1790
Isaac L. KipEmmeline, the orphan of the castle. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. Volume 2
transcribed: Emmeline
Isaac L. KipCaroline of Lichtfield; a novel. Translated from the French. By Thomas Holcroft. Volume 1
transcribed: Caroline
Isaac L. KipCaroline of Lichtfield; a novel. Translated from the French. By Thomas Holcroft. Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipAnna; or memoirs of a Welch heiress. Interspersed with anecdotes of a nabob. In two volumes. .. Volume 1
transcribed: Anna
Isaac L. KipBurton-Wood. In a series of letters. By a lady.
transcribed: Burton Wood
Anna Maria MacKenzie6/4/17906/9/1790
Isaac L. KipThe history of the Russian Empire under Peter the Great by M. De Voltaire.
transcribed: Voltaire History
Isaac L. KipCharacters. Containing an impartial review of the public conduct and abilities of the most eminent personages in the ...
transcribed: Par. Characters
Isaac L. KipArundel. By the author of The observer. Volume 2
transcribed: Arundle
Isaac L. KipLouisa; or the cottage on the moor. In two volumes. By Mrs. Helme. Volume 1
transcribed: Louisa
Isaac L. KipHistory of the Honourable Edward Mortimer. By a lady.
transcribed: E. Mortimer
Albinia Gwynn6/23/17906/24/1790
Isaac L. KipArundel. By the author of The observer. Volume 2
transcribed: Arundle
Isaac L. KipMemoirs and travels of Mauritius Augustus Count de Benyowsky, Magnate of the Kingdom of Hungary and Poland,... Volume 2
transcribed: Benyowski
Isaac L. KipA tour through the western, southern, and interior provinces of France; by N.W. Wraxall, Esq.
transcribed: Tour thro france
Sir Nathaniel William Wraxall6/29/17907/5/1790
Isaac L. KipPosthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 8
transcribed: Prussia
Isaac L. KipThe life of Voltaire; with notes illustrative and explanatory. Translated from the French, By G.P. Monke, lieutenant ...
transcribed: Life Voltaire
Abbé Théophile Imarigeon Duvernet7/19/17907/27/1790'"'
Isaac L. KipThe works of Shakespeare
transcribed: Shakespeare
William Shakespeare7/23/17908/4/1790Walton
Isaac L. KipRemarks concerning the government and the laws of the United States of America
transcribed: Abbe de Mabble
Abbe de Mably7/27/17908/5/1790Stewart
Isaac L. KipPosthumous works of Frederic II. King of Prussia. Volume 1
transcribed: King Prussia
Isaac L. KipGibbon’s history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire. In six volumes octavo, abridged in two volu... Volume 1
transcribed: Gibbons Abd
Isaac L. KipThe essays of Michael Seigneur de Montaigne, translated into English. The eighth edition, with very conside... Volume 2
transcribed: Montagues essays
Isaac L. KipHonoria Somerville
transcribed: Hon. Somerville
Jane Purbeck9/1/17909/5/1790
Isaac L. KipHonoria Somerville Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipHonoria Somerville Volume 3
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipHonoria Somerville Volume 4
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe life of Captain James Cook. By Andrew Kippis, D. D. F. R. S. and S. A. ..
transcribed: Cooks Life
Andrew Kippis9/10/17909/12/1790
Isaac L. KipA tour through Sweden, Swedish-Lapland, Finland and Denmark. In a series of letters, illustrated with engravings. By ...
transcribed: Cosetts Tour
Matthew Consett9/12/17909/19/1790
Isaac L. KipMiscellanies, upon the following subjects. I. Day-Fatality. II. Local-Fatality. III. Ostenta. IV. Omens. V. Dreams. V...
transcribed: Aubreys Miscel
Isaac L. KipEla
transcribed: Ela
Mrs. Burke9/15/17909/21/1790
Isaac L. KipEmilia de St. Aubigne
transcribed: Emilia
Mrs. Burke9/21/17909/27/1790
Isaac L. KipThe works of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s, Dublin. In twenty volumes. ... Volume 21
transcribed: Swift
Isaac L. KipThe marriage act. A novel. In which the ruin of female honour, the contempt of the clergy, the destruction ... Volume 1
transcribed: Marriage act
Isaac L. KipThe marriage act. A novel. In which the ruin of female honour, the contempt of the clergy, the destruction ... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipInstitutes of natural law being the substance of a course of lectures on Grotius de Jure belli et pacis rea... Volume 1
transcribed: Rutherforths Nat Law
Isaac L. KipA collection of the most esteemed farces and entertainments performed on the British stage. Volume 4
transcribed: Farces
Isaac L. KipThe age of Lewis XIV / translated from the French of M. de Voltaire. Volume 2
transcribed: Eng. Lew 14
Isaac L. KipMémoires de Guy Joli, conseiller au Chatelet de Paris, suivis d'un memoire concernant le cardinal de Retz,... Volume 2
transcribed: De Retz
Isaac L. KipMémoires de Guy Joli, conseiller au Chatelet de Paris, suivis d'un memoire concernant le cardinal de Retz,... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe works of M. de Voltaire, translated from the French
transcribed: Voltaire Fr
Isaac L. KipAn universal history, from the earliest account of time. Compiled from original authors; and illustrated with maps, c...
transcribed: Modern His
Isaac L. KipThe works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 1
transcribed: Sternes
Isaac L. KipThe works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 5
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 6
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 7
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipTravels through Italy
transcribed: Dupaty
Charles-Marguerite-Jean-Baptiste Mercier Dupaty3/22/17913/29/1791Stewart
Isaac L. KipNatural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 1
transcribed: Buffon
Isaac L. KipNatural history, general and particular / by the Count de Buffon translated into English illustrated wi... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe fair Hibernian.
transcribed: Fair hibernian
Isaac L. KipZeluco. Various views of human nature, taken from life and manners, foreign and domestic. In two volumes. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Zelucco
Isaac L. KipThe Chinese traveller. Containing a geographical, commercial, and political history of China. ... To which ... Volume 1
transcribed: Chinese Traveller
Isaac L. KipTravels through France and Italy Volume 1
transcribed: Smollett travels
Isaac L. KipTravels through France and Italy Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipTravels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world Volume 1
transcribed: Thompsons Travels
Isaac L. KipTravels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipCaroline of Lichtfield; a novel. Translated from the French. By Thomas Holcroft.
transcribed: Caroline
Thomas Holcroft; Isabelle de Montolieu 12/27/17911/5/1792
Isaac L. KipCaroline of Lichtfield; a novel. Translated from the French. By Thomas Holcroft.
transcribed: "
Thomas Holcroft; Isabelle de Montolieu 1/5/17921/7/1792
Isaac L. KipThe voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix’d with the story of Mrs...
transcribed: Boyles Travels
William Rufus Chetwood1/7/17921/17/1792
Isaac L. KipZelia, in the desert. From the French. By the lady who translated "Adelaide and Theodore;" and "Anecdotes of Henry IV...
transcribed: Zelia
Marguerite Daubenton1/17/17921/27/1792
Isaac L. KipThe adventures of John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. By James White, ...
transcribed: John of Gaunt
James White1/27/17922/1/1792
Isaac L. KipThe ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonians, and Gre...
transcribed: Rollin His
Charles Rollin2/4/17922/15/1792Gilbert
Isaac L. KipThe observer Volume 1
transcribed: Observer
Isaac L. KipLetters from a gentleman in the north of Scotland to his friend in London. Containing the description of a capital to...
transcribed: Letters from Scotland
Edward Burt2/20/17922/29/1792
Isaac L. KipThe world. In four volumes. By Adam Fitz-Adam.
transcribed: World
Adam Fitz-Adam2/29/17923/9/1792
Isaac L. KipThe World displayed; or, A curious collection of voyages and travels, selected and compiled from the writer... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipThe free-thinker, or, Essays of wit and humour / written by Dr. Boulter [and others]. Volume 1
transcribed: Free thinks
Isaac L. KipA series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the Red-Sea, on the coasts of Arabia and Egypt; and of a route th...
transcribed: Irvins Adventure
Eyles Irwin3/24/17924/6/1792
Isaac L. KipThe rambler Volume 1
transcribed: Rambler
Isaac L. KipThe rambler Volume 2
transcribed: "
Isaac L. KipModern times; or, the adventures of Gabriel Outcast. Supposed to be written by himself. In imitation of Gil Blas. In ...
transcribed: Mod times
John Trusler4/30/17925/7/1792
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