Borrower Name Book Title Author Date Out Date In Rep. Fine
Catharine BradfordLetters written by His Excellency Arthur Capel, Earl of Essex, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in the year 1675. To which...
transcribed: Essexs Letters
Arthur Capel Essex6/4/17906/7/1790
Catharine BradfordA voyage to the East Indies; Containing authentic accounts of the Mogul Government in general, the Viceroya... Volume 1
transcribed: Groses Voyage
Catharine BradfordA voyage to the East Indies; Containing authentic accounts of the Mogul Government in general, the Viceroya... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordTravels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East-Indies. Containing, an accurate description of whatever ... Volume 1
transcribed: LeBruyns Travels
Catharine BradfordTravels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East-Indies. Containing, an accurate description of whatever ... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe effusions of friendship and fancy, letters by J. Langhorne. Volume 1
transcribed: Effusions of fancy
Catharine BradfordEleonora. By M. Goethe, author of the Sorrows of Werter. To which is added A poetic epistle from Werter to Charlotte.
transcribed: Eleonora
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe7/7/17907/20/1790
Catharine BradfordThe marriage act. A novel. In which the ruin of female honour, the contempt of the clergy, the destruction ... Volume 1
transcribed: Marriage Act
Catharine BradfordAn apology for the life of George Anne Bellamy. Late of Covent-Garden Theatre. Written by herself. Volume 1
transcribed: Bellamys life
Catharine BradfordAn apology for the life of George Anne Bellamy. Late of Covent-Garden Theatre. Written by herself. Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordAn apology for the life of George Anne Bellamy. Late of Covent-Garden Theatre. Written by herself. Volume 3
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordEla
transcribed: Ela
Mrs. Burke9/1/17909/2/1790
Catharine BradfordThe fair Syrian. A novel. In two volumes. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Fair Syrian
Catharine BradfordThe fair Syrian. A novel. In two volumes. ... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe female spectator. Volume 1
transcribed: Female Spectator
Catharine BradfordThe female spectator. Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe female spectator. Volume 4
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonian... Volume 1
transcribed: Rollin An hist
Catharine BradfordThe ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonian... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe sylph; a novel.
transcribed: Sylph
Georgiana Spencer Cavendish, Duchess of Devonshire11/19/179012/19/1790
Catharine BradfordThe woman of fashion Volume 1
transcribed: Wom. of fashion
Catharine BradfordThe woman of fashion Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe history of the rise, progress, and establishment, of the independence of the United States of America Volume 4
transcribed: Am. War (Gordons)
Catharine BradfordTravels in North-America, in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782 / by the Marquis de Chastellux, one of the fort... Volume 1
transcribed: Chatteleaux travels
Catharine BradfordA Collection of tracts from the late news papers, &c. Containing particularly The American Whig, A whip for the Ameri...
transcribed: Collection of tracts
William Livingston1/7/17911/11/1791
Catharine BradfordArpasia; or, the wanderer. A novel. By the author of The nabob. In two volumes. Volume 1
transcribed: Arpasia
Catharine BradfordArpasia; or, the wanderer. A novel. By the author of The nabob. In two volumes. Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordA voyage to the river Sierra-Leone, on the coast of Africa; containing an account of the trade and productions of the...
transcribed: Matthews Voyage
John Matthews1/18/17911/25/1791
Catharine BradfordTravels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark Volume 1
transcribed: Coxes Travels
Catharine BradfordThe history of Miss Betsy Thoughtless. In four volumes. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Betsy Thoughtless
Catharine BradfordThe history of Miss Betsy Thoughtless. In four volumes. ... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe history of Miss Betsy Thoughtless. In four volumes. ... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordLydia, or filial piety. A novel. In two volumes. Volume 1
transcribed: Lydia
Catharine BradfordInteresting memoirs. By a lady. In two volumes. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Interesting Memoirs
Catharine BradfordCaroline of Lichtfield; a novel. Translated from the French. By Thomas Holcroft. Volume 1
transcribed: Caroline
Catharine BradfordCaroline of Lichtfield; a novel. Translated from the French. By Thomas Holcroft. Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordEmmeline, the orphan of the castle. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. Volume 1
transcribed: Emmeline
Catharine BradfordAnna; or memoirs of a Welch heiress. Interspersed with anecdotes of a nabob. In two volumes. .. Volume 1
transcribed: Anna
Catharine BradfordAnna; or memoirs of a Welch heiress. Interspersed with anecdotes of a nabob. In two volumes. .. Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 11
transcribed: Fielding
Catharine BradfordEmmeline, the orphan of the castle. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. Volume 2
transcribed: Emmeline
Catharine BradfordThe romance of real life. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes. ...
transcribed: Romance life
Charlotte Turner Smith3/26/17913/29/1791
Catharine BradfordEmmeline, the orphan of the castle. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes.
transcribed: Emmeline
Charlotte Turner Smith3/29/17914/2/1791
Catharine BradfordEmmeline, the orphan of the castle. By Charlotte Smith. In two volumes.
transcribed: "
Charlotte Turner Smith4/2/17914/5/1791
Catharine BradfordCecilia
transcribed: Cecilia
Fanny Burney4/5/17914/13/1791
Catharine BradfordCecilia
transcribed: "
Fanny Burney4/15/17914/26/1791
Catharine BradfordCecilia
transcribed: "
Fanny Burney4/26/17915/3/1791
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The second edition.
transcribed: Female Stability
Charlotte Palmer5/3/17915/10/1791
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The second edition.
transcribed: "
Charlotte Palmer5/10/17915/14/1791
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The second edition.
transcribed: "
Charlotte Palmer5/14/17915/27/1791
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The second edition.
transcribed: "
Charlotte Palmer6/1/17916/13/1791
Catharine BradfordThe age of Lewis XIV / translated from the French of M. de Voltaire. Volume 1
transcribed: Lewis 14
Catharine BradfordThe Dean of Coleraine. A moral history Volume 1
transcribed: Dean of Coleraine
Catharine BradfordThe Dean of Coleraine. A moral history Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe Dean of Coleraine. A moral history Volume 3
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe History of Emma
transcribed: Emma Melcombe
Elizabeth Helme8/22/17918/23/1791
Catharine BradfordThe man of feeling.
transcribed: Man feeling
Henry Mackenzie8/23/17918/24/1791
Catharine BradfordA full and complete history of His R-l H- the D- of C--d and Lady G--r, the fair adultress, ...
transcribed: Fair Adultress
Catharine BradfordDangerous connections Volume 1
transcribed: Dang. Connection
Catharine BradfordThe life of Baron Frederic Trenck; containing his adventures; his cruel and excessive sufferings, during ten years im...
transcribed: Trenck
Friedrich Freiherr von der Trenck8/31/17919/5/1791
Catharine BradfordAn account of the shipwreck and captivity of M. de Brisson; containing a description of the deserts of Africa, from S...
transcribed: Shipwreck
Pierre-Raymond de Brisson9/6/17919/9/1791
Catharine BradfordA voyage to New Guinea, and the Moluccas, from Balambangan
transcribed: Forrest Voyage
Thomas Forrest9/9/17919/23/1791
Catharine BradfordA tour in Holland, in MDCCLXXXIV. By an American.
transcribed: Tour in holland
Elkanah Watson9/23/17919/24/1791
Catharine BradfordThe school for fathers; or, the victim of a curse. A novel. Containing authentic memoirs and anecdotes, with historic...
transcribed: School for fathers
Catharine BradfordThe school for fathers; or, the victim of a curse. A novel. Containing authentic memoirs and anecdotes, wit... Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe school for fathers; or, the victim of a curse. A novel. Containing authentic memoirs and anecdotes, wit... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordDelia, a pathetic and interesting tale. In Four Volumes ... Volume 1
transcribed: Delia
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The se... Volume 1
transcribed: Female Stability
Catharine BradfordThe History of Emma
transcribed: E Melcombe
Elizabeth Helme10/20/179110/29/1791
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The se... Volume 2
transcribed: Female Stability
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The se... Volume 3
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordFemale stability; or, The history of Miss Belville. In a series of letters. By the late Miss Palmer. The se... Volume 4
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordThe theatre, tragic & comic. Volume 1
transcribed: Theatre
Catharine BradfordThe lives of the princes of the illustrious House of Orange, continued down to the present time. Collected from the b...
transcribed: House Orange
Catharine BradfordThe fortunate country maid. Being the entertaining memoirs of the present celebrated Marchioness of L.V. Wh... Volume 1
transcribed: Country Maid
Catharine BradfordThe history of the rise, progress, and establishment, of the independence of the United States of America Volume 1
transcribed: Gordons War
Catharine BradfordThe history of the rise, progress, and establishment, of the independence of the United States of America Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordHonoria Somerville Volume 1
transcribed: Somerville
Catharine BradfordHonoria Somerville Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordHonoria Somerville Volume 3
transcribed: H Somerville 3 vol
Catharine BradfordHonoria Somerville Volume 4
transcribed: " 4
Catharine BradfordA voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world Volume 1
transcribed: Cooks (Quarto)
Catharine BradfordThe theatre, tragic & comic.
transcribed: Theatre 3 vol
Catharine BradfordA voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world Volume 2
transcribed: Coke (Quarto)
Catharine BradfordThe theatre, tragic & comic. Volume 4
transcribed: Theatre
Catharine BradfordCollection complete des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau.
transcribed: Rouseau (in French)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau1/17/17921/20/1792
Catharine BradfordThe theatre, tragic & comic.
transcribed: Theatre
Catharine BradfordA voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world
transcribed: Cooks Voyages
James Cook1/23/17921/24/1792
Catharine BradfordA voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world Volume 2
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordA voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world Volume 3
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordA voyage towards the South Pole, and round the world Volume 4
transcribed: "
Catharine BradfordAthenian sport, or, Two thousand paradoxes merrily argued, to amuse and divert the age
transcribed: Athenia Sport
John Dunton1/30/17921/31/1792
Catharine BradfordThe history of Greenland
transcribed: His Greenland
David Cranz1/31/17922/1/1792
Catharine BradfordThe fortunate country maid. Being the entertaining memoirs of the present celebrated Marchioness of L.V. Wh... Volume 2
transcribed: Country Md
Catharine BradfordAn account of a voyage for a discovery of a North-West Passage by Hudson's Streights, to the western and southern oce...
transcribed: North West Passage
Charles Swaine2/4/17922/14/1792
Catharine BradfordThe convent
transcribed: Convent
Anne Fuller2/14/17922/15/1792
Catharine BradfordHonoria Somerville Volume 1
transcribed: H. Som
Catharine BradfordHartly House, Calcutta.
transcribed: Hartly house
Phoebe Gibbes2/16/17922/17/1792
Catharine BradfordLydia, or filial piety. A novel. In two volumes.
transcribed: Lydia
John Shebbeare2/17/17922/18/1792
Catharine BradfordThe Irish guardian. A pathetic story. In two volumes. By a lady. ... Volume 1
transcribed: Irish Guardian
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