City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
England and Wales. Parliament. House of Commons.
A collection of the substance of several speeches and debates made in the honourable House of Commons, relating to the horrid popish plot, upon occasion of the bill for disabling James Duke of York from inheriting the imperial crown of this realm. To which is prefixt a speech of the noble Lord L--- against Roger L’Estrange, in the House of Peers: and also a copy of two bills. The one for disabling James D. of York, the other for ease to all Protestant dissenters, by taking away the stat. 23. & 28. Q. Eliz. & 3. K. Jam. &c. Which passed the House of Commons last session of Parliament, begun at Westminster the 21. Nov. and dissolved by proclamation 18. Jan. 1680. Published to prevent the abuses of written copies.
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London: Printed for Francis Smith, at the Elephant and Castle near the Royal Exchange in Cornhil
, 1681.
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Borrower Name | Volume | Date Out | Date In | Fine | Transcribed Title |
Rep. | Ledger |
Israel Wilkes | 12/4/1789 | 12/7/1789 | Debates on exclusion bill |