City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

A Concise historical account of all the British colonies in North-America, comprehending their rise, progress, and modern state; particularly of the Massachusets-Bay, (the seat of the present civil war) together with the other provinces of New-England. To which is annexed, an accurate descriptive table of the several countries; exhibiting, at one view, their respective boundaries, dimensions, longitudes, latitudes, divisions, or counties, chief towns, capes, harbours, bays, rivers, various productions, animals, &c. &c. Interspersed with particulars relative to the different soils and climates, capital cities, &c. &c.

Dublin: Printed for Caleb Jenkin, No. 58, Dame-Street, and John Beatty, No 32, Skinner-Row , 1776.
Not in Collection
A Concise historical account of all the British colonies in North-America, comprehending their rise, progress, and modern state; particularly of the Massachusets-Bay, (the seat of the present civil war) together with the other provinces of New-England. To which is annexed, an accurate descriptive table of the several countries; exhibiting, at one view, their respective boundaries, dimensions, longitudes, latitudes, divisions, or counties, chief towns, capes, harbours, bays, rivers, various productions, animals, &c. &c. Interspersed with particulars relative to the different soils and climates, capital cities, &c. &c. Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
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This Title Library Average
Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
Jeremiah Wool1/9/17911/12/1791British Colonies
Samuel Franklin2/28/17913/1/1791British Colonies-Lamb
Garrett B. Abeel12/10/179112/12/1791British Col. in America
Bernard Hart4/10/17924/11/1792Hist B.C.
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