City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

Abel Boyer

The royal dictionary abridged. In two parts. I. French and English. II. English and French. Containing above five thousand words more than any French and English dictionary yet extant: and, to which are added, the accents of all English words, to facilitate their pronunciation to foreigners. The eighth edition, carefully corrected. As also an alphabetical list of the most common Christian names of men and women; and the abbreviations of the said names vulgarly used. By Mr. A. Boyer.

Alternate Titles
London: Printed for Messrs. Innys, Brotherton, Woodward, Meadows, Ware, Knapton, Clarke, Birt, Comyns, Browne, Longman, Hett, Hitch and Hawes, Hodges, Shuckburgh, Oswald, Bathurst, Dod, Barker, Vaillant, Davidson, Brindley, Meighan, Corbett, Fuller, J. and J. Rivington, Ward, Austen, and King , 1751.
Not in Collection
The royal dictionary abridged. In two parts. I. French and English. II. English and French. Containing above five thousand words more than any French and English dictionary yet extant: and, to which are added, the accents of all English words, to facilitate their pronunciation to foreigners. The eighth edition, carefully corrected. As also an alphabetical list of the most common Christian names of men and women; and the abbreviations of the said names vulgarly used. By Mr. A. Boyer. Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
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This Title Library Average
Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
Maria Livingston3/7/18003/24/1800Boyer's Dictionary
Nicholas Delaplaine3/7/18003/24/1800Boyer's F. Dict
Alexander Hosack4/1/180012/5/1800Boyers F. Diction...
Nancy Ivers7/13/18048/13/1804French Grammar
Nancy Ivers8/13/18048/27/1804French Grammar
Nancy Ivers8/27/18049/10/1804French Grammar
Nancy Ivers9/10/18049/17/1804French Grammar
Nancy Ivers9/29/180410/16/1804French Grammar
Nancy Ivers10/16/180410/30/1804Frnehc Grammar
Nancy Ivers10/30/180411/10/1804French Grammar
Robert Lenox7/12/18058/5/1805Boyers Dictionary
Michael Price11/4/180511/12/1805Boyer's Grammar
Ann Pierce11/8/1805Boyer's F. Gramm
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