Alexander Robertson | Some observations made in travelling through France, Italy, &c. in the years MDCCXX, MDCCXXI, and MDCCXXII. By Ed... transcribed: Wright's Travels | Edward Wright | 8/31/1789 | 9/9/1789 | son | |
Alexander Robertson | Arabian nights entertainments Volume 1 transcribed: Arabian Nights | | 9/9/1789 | 9/11/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Arabian nights entertainments Volume 2 transcribed: Arabian Nights | | 9/11/1789 | 9/14/1789 | son | |
Alexander Robertson | Arabian nights entertainments Volume 3 transcribed: Arabian Nights | | 9/14/1789 | 9/16/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson. Volume 40 transcribed: Johnsons Poets | | 11/27/1789 | 12/2/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | An account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Composed from the journals and co... transcribed: Wilsons Pelew Islands | George Keate | 12/2/1789 | 12/11/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The voyages and adventures of Captain Robert Boyle, in several parts of the world. Intermix’d with the story of Mrs... transcribed: Boyles Voyages | William Rufus Chetwood | 12/11/1789 | 12/18/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | An account of the voyages undertaken by the order of His present Majesty, for making discoveries in the sou... Volume 1 transcribed: Hawkesworths Voyages | | 12/18/1789 | 12/21/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The heads of illustrious persons of Great Britain, engraven by Mr. Houbraken, and Mr. Vertue. With their lives and ch... transcribed: Houbrakens heads | Thomas Birch | 12/21/1789 | 12/28/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | An historical, critical, geographical, chronological, and etymological dictionary of the Holy Bible, in thr... Volume 1 transcribed: Calmets Dictionary | | 12/28/1789 | 1/4/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Modern times; or, the adventures of Gabriel Outcast. Supposed to be written by himself. In imitation of Gil Blas. In ... transcribed: Modern Times | John Trusler | 1/4/1790 | 1/8/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Candidus; or, all for the best ... transcribed: Candidus | Voltaire | 1/8/1790 | 1/15/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The works of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s, Dublin. In twenty volumes. ... Volume 3 transcribed: Swift | | 1/15/1790 | 1/25/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The works of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s, Dublin. In twenty volumes. ... Volume 20 transcribed: " | | 1/25/1790 | 2/1/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Memoirs of an unfortunate young nobleman, return'd from a thirteen years slavery in America, where he had been sent b... transcribed: Unfort Young Nobleman | | 2/1/1790 | 2/12/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The adventures of Mr. Loveill, interspers’d with many real amours of the modern polite world. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Loveils Adventures | | 2/12/1790 | 2/15/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The history and adventures of the renowned Don Quixote. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel De Cervantes ... Volume 1 transcribed: Don Quixote | | 2/15/1790 | 2/22/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | A voyage round the world transcribed: Ansons Voyage | George Anson; Richard Walter | 2/22/1790 | 3/15/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | An account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Composed from the journals and co... transcribed: Wilsons Pelew Islands | George Keate | 3/15/1790 | 3/19/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The history and adventures of the renowned Don Quixote. Translated from the Spanish of Miguel De Cervantes ... Volume 2 transcribed: Don Quixote | | 3/19/1790 | 3/24/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The preceptor Volume 1 transcribed: Preceptor | | 3/24/1790 | 4/7/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 6 transcribed: Fielding | | 4/7/1790 | 4/14/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The London Magazine... transcribed: London Magazine 1769 | | 4/14/1790 | 4/19/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The London Magazine... transcribed: " 1764 | | 4/19/1790 | 4/26/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The London Magazine... transcribed: " | | 4/26/1790 | 5/3/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The London Magazine... Volume 36 transcribed: " | | 5/3/1790 | 5/14/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Encyclopædia Britannica; or, a dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature Volume 7 transcribed: Ency B | | 6/7/1790 | 6/16/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Encyclopædia Britannica; or, a dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature Volume 6 transcribed: " | | 6/28/1790 | 7/6/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Encyclopædia Britannica; or, a dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 7/6/1790 | 7/24/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Encyclopædia Britannica; or, a dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature Volume 1 transcribed: " | | 7/24/1790 | 8/18/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The new and universal system of geography transcribed: Millars Geor. | George Henry Millar | 8/18/1790 | 9/10/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The London Magazine... transcribed: London Mag 1759 | | 9/10/1790 | 10/4/1790 | | 8d |
Alexander Robertson | The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and critical, by Samuel Johnson. Volume 1 transcribed: Johnsons Poets | | 10/4/1790 | 10/19/1790 | | 2d |
Alexander Robertson | An historical, critical, geographical, chronological, and etymological dictionary of the Holy Bible, in thr... Volume 2 transcribed: Calmets Dictionary | | 10/26/1790 | 11/15/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The beauties of history, or, Pictures of virtue and vice, drawn from real life Volume 1 transcribed: Beauties history | | 11/15/1790 | 11/29/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The Persian tales transcribed: Persian tales | Edward Button | 11/29/1790 | 12/13/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | An account of the Pelew Islands, situated in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. Composed from the journals and co... transcribed: Wilsons Pelew Islands | George Keate | 12/13/1790 | 12/29/1790 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 9 transcribed: Fielding | | 12/29/1790 | 1/4/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The Roman history, from the building of Rome to the ruin of the Commonwealth. Illustrated with maps and oth... Volume 2 transcribed: Hookes Rom Hist | | 1/4/1791 | 1/10/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Gil Blas de Santillane Volume 3 transcribed: Gil Blas | | 1/10/1791 | 1/12/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Gil Blas de Santillane Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 1/12/1791 | 1/17/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | All the orations of Demosthenes Volume 1 transcribed: Lelands Demosthenes | | 1/18/1791 | 1/21/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | An essay on brewing Volume 2 transcribed: Combrune on Brewing | | 1/21/1791 | 1/22/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Gil Blas de Santillane Volume 1 transcribed: Gil Blas | | 1/22/1791 | 1/22/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | An essay on brewing transcribed: Combrune on Brewing | Michael Combrune | 1/22/1791 | 3/1/1791 | | 3d |
Alexander Robertson | An essay on brewing transcribed: " con | Michael Combrune | 3/2/1791 | 3/19/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 5 transcribed: Fielding | | 3/19/1791 | 4/12/1791 | | 1d |
Alexander Robertson | The school of arts; or, an introduction to useful knowledge transcribed: Emissons School of arts | John Imison | 4/30/1791 | 5/5/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Commercium philosophico-technicum; or, the philosophical commerce of arts transcribed: Lewis Commerce arts | William Lewis | 5/5/1791 | 5/23/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Lectures on rhetoric and belles lettres. By Hugh Blair, ... In three volumes. ... Volume 3 transcribed: Blairs Letters | | 5/26/1791 | 6/4/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Lavater Volume 1 transcribed: Lavater | | 6/4/1791 | 8/3/1791 | | 4/1 2/6d |
Alexander Robertson | Transactions for which no related book has been identified. transcribed: No. 280 | | 8/10/1791 | 8/15/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | London and its environs described. Containing An Account of whatever is most remarkable for Grandeur, Elega... Volume 3 transcribed: London & its Environs | | 8/16/1791 | 8/18/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | A series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the Red-Sea, on the coasts of Arabia and Egypt; and of a route th... transcribed: Irvins adventures | Eyles Irwin | 8/18/1791 | 8/22/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The British Apollo, or, Curious amusements for the ingenious. To which are added the most material occurren... Volume 1 transcribed: British apollo | | 8/22/1791 | 8/29/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The British Apollo, or, Curious amusements for the ingenious. To which are added the most material occurren... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 8/29/1791 | 9/9/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The elements of navigation; containing the theory and practice. With the necessary tables. To which is adde... Volume 1 transcribed: Robt. Navigation | | 9/9/1791 | 9/16/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The whole works of the late Reverend and learned Mr Thomas Boston, ... To which is subjoined, The marrow of modern di... transcribed: Bostons Works | Thomas Boston | 9/16/1791 | 11/10/1791 | | 5d |
Alexander Robertson | The whole works of the late Reverend and learned Mr Thomas Boston, ... To which is subjoined, The marrow of modern di... transcribed: " con | Thomas Boston | 11/10/1791 | 12/8/1791 | | |
Alexander Robertson | A display of heraldry. By John Guillim, Pursuivant at Arms. The sixth edition. Improv’d with large additions of man... transcribed: Guilliams Heraldry | John Guillim | 12/9/1791 | 12/31/1791 | | 1d |
Alexander Robertson | A display of heraldry. By John Guillim, Pursuivant at Arms. The sixth edition. Improv’d with large additions of man... transcribed: " | John Guillim | 2/6/1792 | 2/20/1792 | | |
Alexander Robertson | A new general collection of voyages and travels Volume 4 transcribed: Voyages & Travels | | 3/17/1792 | 4/10/1792 | | not retd |
Alexander Robertson | An essay on brewing transcribed: Combrune on Brewing | Michael Combrune | 4/19/1792 | 4/26/1792 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Arabian nights entertainments Volume 4 transcribed: Arabian Nights | | 9/16/1789 | 9/18/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The new and universal system of geography transcribed: Millar's Geography | George Henry Millar | 9/18/1789 | 9/23/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | Travels into Muscovy, Persia, and part of the East-Indies. Containing, an accurate description of whatever ... Volume 2 transcribed: Le Bruyn's Travels | | 10/26/1789 | 11/9/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The preceptor Volume 1 transcribed: Preceptor - Retd | | 11/9/1789 | | | |
Alexander Robertson | The preceptor Volume 2 transcribed: Preceptor | | 11/16/1789 | 11/27/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The London Magazine... transcribed: London Magazine 1762 | | 9/30/1789 | 10/5/1789 | | |
Alexander Robertson | The London Magazine... Volume 39 transcribed: London Magazine | | 10/5/1789 | 10/12/1789 | | |