City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
Antony Ascham
Of the confusions and revolutions of goverments [sic]. Wherein is examined, how farre a man may lawfully conforme to the powers and commands of those who with various successes hold kingdomes divided by civill or forraigne warrs. Whether it be 1. In paying taxes. 2. In personall service. 3. In taking opposite oathes. 4. In a mans giving himselfe up to a finall allegiance, in case the warre end to the advantage of that power or party which is supposed unjust. Likewise whether the nature of warre be inconsistent with the precepts of the Christian religion? Three parts, with severall additions. By Ant: Ascham. Gent.
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London: Printed by W. Wilson, dwelling in Wel-yard neere Smithfield., 1649.
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Borrower Name | Volume | Date Out | Date In | Fine | Transcribed Title |
Rep. | Ledger |
Nathaniel F. Moore | 8/18/1800 | 8/22/1800 | Ascham on Govern |