John P. Pearss | Annual Register (New) Volume 1787 transcribed: N. A. Register | | 9/7/1789 | 9/11/1789 | Self | |
John P. Pearss | A tour in the United States of America Volume 1 transcribed: Smith's Tour | | 9/11/1789 | 9/14/1789 | Self | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the life of Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, surnamed the Great. ... . By the Rev. Walter ... Volume 2 transcribed: Hartes Gustavius | | 11/20/1789 | 11/27/1789 | | |
John P. Pearss | The nonconformist’s memorial Volume 1 transcribed: Callamy's Nonconformists | | 11/27/1789 | 12/2/1789 | | |
John P. Pearss | The nonconformist’s memorial Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 12/2/1789 | 12/11/1789 | | |
John P. Pearss | A general history of the world, from the creation to the present time Volume 2 transcribed: Guthrie's World | | 12/11/1789 | 12/21/1789 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the famous preacher Friar Gerund de Campazas Volume 1 transcribed: Friar Gerund | | 12/21/1789 | 12/28/1789 | | |
John P. Pearss | A discourse concerning the being and attributes of God, the obligations of natural religion, and the truth and certai... transcribed: Clarke's Sermons | Samuel Clarke | 12/30/1789 | 1/6/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Travels through Holland, Flanders, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Lapland, Russia, the Ukraine, and Poland, in t... Volume 1 transcribed: Marshall's Travels | | 1/6/1790 | 1/13/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s, Dublin. In twenty volumes. ... Volume 1 transcribed: Swift | | 1/13/1790 | 1/18/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Swift, Dean of St. Patrick’s, Dublin. In twenty volumes. ... Volume 7 transcribed: " | | 1/18/1790 | 1/22/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 1 transcribed: Sterne's Works | | 1/22/1790 | 1/25/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 1/25/1790 | 1/27/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 1/27/1790 | 1/29/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 2/1/1790 | 2/5/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 2/5/1790 | 2/8/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 6 transcribed: " | | 2/8/1790 | 2/12/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 7 transcribed: " | | 2/12/1790 | 2/15/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 8 transcribed: " | | 2/15/1790 | 2/17/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 9 transcribed: " | | 2/17/1790 | 2/19/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Laurence Sterne. In ten volumes complete. Containing, I. The life and opinions of Tristram Sha... Volume 10 transcribed: " | | 2/19/1790 | 2/22/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; styled afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes;... Volume 1 transcribed: Knights of Malta | | 3/3/1790 | 3/12/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; styled afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes;... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 3/12/1790 | 3/15/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; styled afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes;... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 3/15/1790 | 3/17/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; styled afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes;... Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 3/17/1790 | 3/22/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the Knights Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; styled afterwards, the Knights of Rhodes;... Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 3/22/1790 | 3/26/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | A concise history of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah; connected with the history or chief events of the ne... Volume 1 transcribed: Murry's Sacred History | | 3/26/1790 | 4/7/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | A concise history of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah; connected with the history or chief events of the ne... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 4/7/1790 | 4/9/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | ??? Volume 1 transcribed: Harris Travel | | 4/9/1790 | 4/30/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The beauties of magazines, reviews, &c. Volume 1 transcribed: Beauties Mag. | | 4/30/1790 | 5/10/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of an unfortunate young nobleman, return'd from a thirteen years slavery in America, where he had been sent b... transcribed: Unfortunate Nobleman | | 5/10/1790 | 5/13/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Cecilia Volume 1 transcribed: Cecilia | | 5/13/1790 | 5/15/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Cecilia Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 5/15/1790 | 5/18/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Cecilia Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 5/15/1790 | 5/18/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The beauties of magazines, reviews, &c. Volume 1 transcribed: Beauties Mag. | | 5/18/1790 | 5/19/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Guardian transcribed: Guardian | | 5/19/1790 | 5/28/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The female spectator. Volume 1 transcribed: Female Spectator | | 5/28/1790 | 6/2/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The female spectator. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 6/2/1790 | 6/8/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The female spectator. Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 6/8/1790 | 6/11/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The female spectator. Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 6/11/1790 | 6/14/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The Grand tour; or, a journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and France. Containing, I. A descrip... Volume 1 transcribed: Grand tour | | 6/14/1790 | 6/19/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The Grand tour; or, a journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and France. Containing, I. A descrip... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 6/19/1790 | 6/22/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The Grand tour; or, a journey through the Netherlands, Germany, Italy, and France. Containing, I. A descrip... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 6/22/1790 | 6/26/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Anecdotes of the late Samuel Johnson, LL. D., during the last twenty years of his life / by Hesther Lynch Piozzi. transcribed: Johnson's Anecdotes | Hester Lynch Piozzi | 6/26/1790 | 6/29/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The ancient history of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Macedonian... Volume 1 transcribed: Rollin's An. History | | 6/29/1790 | 6/30/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 35 transcribed: Gent. Mag. | | 6/30/1790 | 7/2/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 32 transcribed: " | | 7/2/1790 | 7/9/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 31 transcribed: " | | 7/9/1790 | 7/14/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 30 transcribed: " | | 7/14/1790 | 7/14/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 7/14/1790 | 7/15/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 7/16/1790 | 7/20/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Flavius Josephus. Translated into English, by Sir Roger L’Estrange, Kt. Viz. I. The life of ... Volume 1 transcribed: Josephus | | 7/20/1790 | 7/23/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Flavius Josephus. Translated into English, by Sir Roger L’Estrange, Kt. Viz. I. The life of ... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 7/23/1790 | 8/3/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | A journey from Gibraltar to Malaga; with a view of that garrison and its environs; a particular account of ... Volume 1 transcribed: Carter's Travels | | 8/3/1790 | 8/9/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | A voyage round the world transcribed: Anson's Voyages | George Anson; Richard Walter | 8/9/1790 | 8/12/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Travels into Poland, Russia, Sweden, and Denmark Volume 1 transcribed: Coxe's Switzerland | | 8/12/1790 | 8/14/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The London Magazine... Volume 21 transcribed: Lond. Mag. | | 8/14/1790 | 8/17/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The London Magazine... Volume 23 transcribed: " | | 8/17/1790 | 8/19/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The London Magazine... Volume 25 transcribed: " | | 8/19/1790 | 8/23/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The London Magazine... Volume 26 transcribed: " | | 8/23/1790 | 9/6/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | An Universal history, from the earliest account of time / compiled from original authors, and illustrated with maps, ... transcribed: Universal History | | 9/6/1790 | 9/9/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | An Universal history, from the earliest account of time / compiled from original authors, and illustrated with maps, ... transcribed: " | | 9/9/1790 | 9/10/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The gentleman’s magazine Volume 57 transcribed: Gent. Mag. | | 9/10/1790 | 9/11/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The new and universal system of geography transcribed: Millar's Geo. | George Henry Millar | 9/11/1790 | 9/28/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The American museum Volume 2 transcribed: Am. Museum | | 9/28/1790 | 9/29/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The American museum Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 9/29/1790 | 10/2/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The American museum Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 10/2/1790 | 10/9/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The American museum Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 10/9/1790 | 10/11/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of Dion Cassius abridg’d by Xiphilin Containing the most considerable passages under the Roma... Volume 1 transcribed: Dion Cassius | | 10/11/1790 | 10/16/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of Dion Cassius abridg’d by Xiphilin Containing the most considerable passages under the Roma... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 10/16/1790 | 10/20/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 1 transcribed: Fielding | | 10/20/1790 | 10/23/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 10/23/1790 | 10/26/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 10/26/1790 | 10/28/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 10/28/1790 | 10/30/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 6 transcribed: " | | 10/30/1790 | 11/9/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 10/30/1790 | 11/9/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 7 transcribed: " | | 11/9/1790 | 11/11/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 8 transcribed: " | | 11/11/1790 | 11/15/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 10 transcribed: " | | 11/15/1790 | 11/17/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The works of Henry Fielding, Esq; Volume 11 transcribed: " | | 11/17/1790 | 11/20/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The history of the bucaniers of America from their first original down to this time written in several languages a... transcribed: Bucaniers of America | Alexandre Olivier Exquemelin | 11/20/1790 | 11/25/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The Old and New Testament connected, in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declensi... Volume 1 transcribed: Prideaux's Connection | | 11/25/1790 | 11/30/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The Old and New Testament connected, in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declensi... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 11/30/1790 | 12/8/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | The Old and New Testament connected, in the history of the Jews and neighbouring nations, from the declensi... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 12/8/1790 | 12/14/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Every man his own broker transcribed: Every Man Bro. | Thomas Mortimer | 12/14/1790 | 12/15/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great, newly translated from t... Volume 1 transcribed: Sully's Memoirs | | 12/21/1790 | 12/27/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great, newly translated from t... Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 12/27/1790 | 12/29/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great, newly translated from t... Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 12/29/1790 | 12/30/1790 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great, newly translated from t... Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 12/30/1790 | 1/3/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of Maximilian de Bethune, Duke of Sully, Prime Minister of Henry the Great, newly translated from t... Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 1/3/1791 | 1/5/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | The life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. / by Sir John Hawkins Knt. transcribed: Life Johnson's | John Hawkins | 1/5/1791 | 1/7/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [sic], King of Prussia / by Joseph Towers, L.L.D. Volume 1 transcribed: Tower's Fred'k | | 1/7/1791 | 1/10/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Memoirs of the life and reign of Frederick the Third [sic], King of Prussia / by Joseph Towers, L.L.D. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 1/10/1791 | 1/12/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Continuation of the Complete history of England. By T. Smollett, M.D. Volume the first. Volume 1 transcribed: Smollett's Hist. England | | 1/12/1791 | 1/15/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Continuation of the Complete history of England. By T. Smollett, M.D. Volume the first. Volume 2 transcribed: " | | 1/15/1791 | 1/17/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Continuation of the Complete history of England. By T. Smollett, M.D. Volume the first. Volume 3 transcribed: " | | 1/17/1791 | 1/19/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Continuation of the Complete history of England. By T. Smollett, M.D. Volume the first. Volume 4 transcribed: " | | 1/19/1791 | 1/22/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Continuation of the Complete history of England. By T. Smollett, M.D. Volume the first. Volume 5 transcribed: " | | 1/22/1791 | 1/24/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Continuation of the Complete history of England. By T. Smollett, M.D. Volume the first. Volume 6 transcribed: " | | 1/25/1791 | 1/27/1791 | | |
John P. Pearss | Continuation of the Complete history of England. By T. Smollett, M.D. Volume the first. Volume 7 transcribed: " | | 1/27/1791 | 1/29/1791 | | |