City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
M. de Fontenelle
Fontenelle’s dialogues of the dead, in three parts. I. Dialogues of the antients. II. The antients with the moderns. III. The moderns. Translated from the French by the late John Hughes, Esq; with a reply to some remarks in a critique, call’d The judgment of Pluto, &c. And two original dialogues.
Alternate Titles
Dublin: Printed by R. Reilly, on Cork-Hill, for George Risk, at the Shakespear’s Head George Ewing, at the Angel and Bible: and William Smith, at the Hercules, Booksellers in Dame’s-Street., 1735.
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Borrower Name | Volume | Date Out | Date In | Fine | Transcribed Title |
Rep. | Ledger |
Robert Watts | 4/25/1801 | 5/2/1801 | Fountainels Dialogues |