City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

John Wilson

Principles of elocution, and suitable exercises; or, Elegant extracts, in prose and verse, comprehending numerous examples of narration, description, instruction, and the different species of eloquence; intermixed with remarks on the various kinds of composition, and rules for reading and reciting them.

Edinburgh: Printed by G. Caw for the author, and sold by P. Hill, 1801.
Circulation by Volume 
Principles of elocution, and suitable exercises; or, Elegant extracts, in prose and verse, comprehending numerous examples of narration, description, instruction, and the different species of eloquence; intermixed with remarks on the various kinds of composition, and rules for reading and reciting them. Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
Readers by Occupation

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Readers by occupation
This Title Library Average
Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
Nathaniel Paulding8/22/17998/24/1799Elegant Extracts
Peter Irving8/31/17999/4/1799Elegant Extracts
John D. Mercier9/4/179910/30/1799Elegant Extracts verse
Bernard Hart11/25/179912/6/1799Elegant Extracts Verse
Robert Watts12/9/179912/16/1799Elegant Extract verse
Hamilton StewartVolume 112/18/179912/18/1799Elegant Extracts verse
Robert Gosman1/8/18001/22/1800Elegant Extracts verse
Robert Watts1/23/18002/7/1800Elegant Extracts verse
Robert Watts2/15/18002/17/1800Elegant Extracts
Benjamin A. Egbert2/28/18003/13/1800Elegant Extracts
Pascal N. Smith4/1/18004/22/1800Elegant Extracts verse
Gilbert Milligan4/24/18005/1/1800Elegant Extracts verse
James Inglis5/1/18005/14/1800Elegnat Extracts
Richard N. Harison7/22/18007/23/1800Elegant Extract verse
William Irving8/23/18008/30/1800Elegant Extracts verse
Thomas Pearsall9/8/180010/8/18001/6Elegant Extracts
William Strachan10/14/180010/22/1800Elegant Extracts verse
Peter IrvingVolume 112/2/180012/4/1800Elegant Extracts
Garret H. Van Wagenen12/5/180012/10/1800Elegant Extracts verse
David Jones12/15/18001/7/1801Elegant Extracts
Walter Bowne2/21/18012/28/1801Elegant Extracts
Gilbert Woodhull3/28/18013/30/18012/Elegant Extracts Verse
Samuel Talman5/7/18015/23/1801Elegant Extracts verse
Samuel Talman5/23/18016/12/1801"
Samuel Talman6/12/18017/2/1801"
Samuel Talman7/2/18017/27/18018d"
Edward Lyde8/26/18019/9/1801Elegant Extracts verse
Ebenezer Stevens9/21/18019/24/1801Elegant Extracts verse
Augustus Van Horne10/6/180110/17/1801Elegant Extracts verse
James Inglis11/4/180111/12/1801Elegant Extracts verse
James Inglis11/25/180112/16/1801"
James Inglis12/16/180112/31/1801"
David Mumford1/19/18021/23/1802Elegant Extracts verse
David Gelston2/13/18025/4/18028/6Elegant Extracts Verse
Christian SchultzVolume 16/16/18026/26/1802Elegant Extracts
Christian SchultzVolume 26/16/18026/26/1802Elegant Extracts
Isaac Burr7/12/18027/16/1802Elegant Extracts verse
David Jones7/17/18027/21/1802Elegant Extracts verse
isaac carrow8/24/18028/25/1802Elegant Extracts
John Parsons11/13/180211/30/1802Elegant Extracts
John P. Mumford12/2/180212/6/1802Elegant Extracts verse
Hezekiah IversVolume 11/15/18032/5/1803Elegant Extracts
Hezekiah IversVolume 21/15/18032/5/1803Elegant Extracts
Thomas GardnerVolume 21/31/18032/8/1803Elegant Extracts
Abraham Legget3/9/18033/12/1803Elegant Extracts verse
Jacob Radcliff5/31/18036/15/1803Elegant Extracts Verse
John Ten Brook6/28/18037/13/1803Elegant Extracts verse
Gilbert MilliganVolume 16/28/18037/2/1803Elegant Extracts
Charles StewartVolume 27/2/18037/18/1803Elegant Extracts Prose
Archibald M. CockVolume 17/8/18037/12/1803Elegant Extracts
Christopher MillerVolume 17/19/180311/12/1803Elegant Extracts
Jacob Radcliff11/11/180311/23/1803Elegant Extracts1
Benjamin StrongVolume 112/7/18031/5/18042/4Elegant Extracts
Benjamin StrongVolume 212/7/18031/5/18042/4Elegant Extracts
William UnderhillVolume 212/29/18031/16/1804Elegant Extracts
Robert H. Bowne1/3/18041/28/1804Elegant Extracts verse
William UnderhillVolume 11/16/18042/2/1804"
Samuel BradhurstVolume 11/27/18041/30/1804Elegant Extracts
Ahasuerus TurkVolume 12/6/18042/27/1804Elegant Extracts
William KenyonVolume 12/11/18042/17/1804Elegant Extracts
Walter BurlingVolume 22/17/18042/29/1804Elegant Extracts
Michael Price2/21/18042/29/1804Elegant Extract ver
Ahasuerus TurkVolume 12/27/18042/28/1804"
Ahasuerus Turk2/28/18043/19/1804" Verse
Walter BurlingVolume 12/29/18043/22/18042d"
Ahasuerus Turk3/19/18044/9/1804"
Samuel Borrowe5/1/18046/12/1804Elegant Extracts verse
Walter BowneVolume 15/26/18046/15/1804Elegant Extracts
William Weyman6/6/18047/26/18041/4Elegant Extracts
Samuel B. RomaineVolume 27/5/18047/21/1804Elegant Extracts
Francis L. HarisonVolume 17/18/18047/18/1804Elegant Extracts
John Parsons8/2/18048/16/1804Elegant Extracts Prose
John Parsons8/16/18048/20/1804" Verse
Hamilton Stewart10/4/180410/5/1804Elegant Extracts verse
John Mitchell MasonVolume 111/28/180412/6/1804Elegant Extrats
Philip Fisher12/1/180412/15/1804Elegant Extracts
James Jay1/4/18051/5/1805Elegant Extracts verse
James JayVolume 11/5/18051/12/1805"Prose
John Peters2/8/18053/1/1805Elegant Extracts
Margaret CunninghamVolume 12/9/18052/16/1805Elegant Extracts
Margaret CunninghamVolume 22/16/18053/9/1805"
Margaret CunninghamVolume 23/9/18053/23/1805"
Margaret CunninghamVolume 23/26/18054/8/1805Elegant Extracts
Cornelius DuBois5/7/18055/10/1805Elegant Extracts
Allard Anthony8/15/18058/24/1805Elegant Extracts
Michael Price8/19/18059/1/1805Elegant Extracts verse
Allard AnthonyVolume 28/24/18058/31/1805Elegant Extracts
Allard AnthonyVolume 29/4/180511/9/1805Elegant Extracts
Samuel BeebeeVolume 111/14/180511/15/1805Elegant Extracts
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