City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
John Walker
Elements of Elocution: In which the principles of reading and speaking are investigated; and such pauses, emphasis, and inflexious of voice, as are suitable to every variety of sentence, are distinctly pointed out and explained; with directions for strengthening and modulating the voice, so as to render it varied, forcible, and harmonious. To which is added, a complete system of the passions, showing how they affect the countenance, tone of voice, and gesture of the body, exemplified by a copious selection of the most striking passages of Shakespeare. The whole illustrated by copper-plates, explaining the nature of accent, emphasis; inflexion, and cadence. The second edition; with alterations and additions. By John Walker, author of the critical pronouncing dictionary, &c.
London: Printed by Cooper and Wilson; and sold by G.G. and J. Robinson, Pater-noster row; and by T. Cadell jun. and W. Davies, in the strand, 1799.
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Borrower Name | Volume | Date Out | Date In | Fine | Transcribed Title |
Rep. | Ledger |
Peter Anderson | 12/28/1801 | 1/23/1802 | Walkers Elocution | ||||
Charles Wilkes | 2/15/1802 | 2/22/1802 | Walkers Education | ||||
John Wood | Volume 2 | 2/21/1803 | 3/14/1803 | Walkers Elocution | |||
John Wood | Volume 1 | 2/21/1803 | 3/14/1803 | Walkers Elocution | |||
Hamilton Stewart | 9/6/1804 | 9/10/1804 | Walker on Elocution | ||||
Andrew Smith | 11/5/1805 | 11/26/1805 | Walker on Eloquation |