City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

William Pitt Smith

The history of the province of New-York, from the first discovery to the year M.DCC.XXXII : to which is annexed, a description of the country, with a short account of the inhabitants, their trade, religious and political state, and the constitution of the courts of justice in that colony ... / by William Smith, A.M.

London: Printed for Thomas Wilcox, Bookseller at Virgil's Head, opposite the New Church in the Strand, 1757.
The history of the province of New-York, from the first discovery to the year M.DCC.XXXII : to which is annexed, a description of the country, with a short account of the inhabitants, their trade, religious and political state, and the constitution of the courts of justice in that colony ... / by William Smith, A.M. Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
Readers by Occupation

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Readers by occupation
This Title Library Average
Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
John P. Pearss10/9/178910/12/1789Smith's His. Of NY
John Turner2/3/17902/3/1790Smith's New York
Jeremiah Wool5/11/17905/21/1790Smith's New York
John Parsons7/19/17907/26/1790Smith's N.York
William Burling8/28/17909/11/1790Smiths His N York
John Watts11/9/179012/6/1790Smith's New York
C. V. Allen12/28/17901/5/1791Smiths NewYork
James Roosevelt1/23/17912/1/1791Smiths NewYork
John Wells4/27/17915/17/1791Smith His. New York
John Stagg, Jr.6/7/17916/30/1791Smiths New York
Garrett B. Abeel11/9/179111/15/1791Smiths Nyork
Isaac Burr12/23/17911/17/1792Smiths New York
Burnet R. Kingsland2/1/1792Smith His Nyork - X 
John Tabele9/2/179912/23/17994/Smith's Hist. N. York
Francis Childs5/30/18006/16/1800History N York
Peter Kemble9/3/18009/9/1800History N York
William Moore10/18/180010/25/1800History New-York
Joseph Lyon12/5/18001/10/18011/9Smiths Hist N York
Moses B. Seixas1/12/18011/14/1801History New York
William G. Miller1/19/18011/28/1801History New York
John Forbes2/28/18013/2/1801History New York/Birch
Theophilius Brower4/24/18015/15/1801History New York
David Gordon8/21/18012/26/180216/History New York
Matthew Clarkson6/14/18026/15/1802Smith's New York
William Edgar2/1/18032/14/1803Hist. New York
Peter Wilson2/18/18033/3/1803Smiths New York
John Oothoudt3/4/18033/17/1803History New York
John Stoutenburgh4/4/18034/28/1803History NewYork
Ephraim Hart5/17/18035/27/1803Smiths New York
Peter Jay Munro7/28/18038/11/1803Smith's Hist New York
John Jacob Astor8/19/18038/27/1803Smith's New York
Joseph Delaplaine11/1/180311/7/1803Smiths H New York
Thomas Hammersley4/10/18044/28/1804Smith's H. New York
Edward L. Schieffelin6/30/18048/20/18045/9Smiths Hist New York
John Cock11/12/180411/14/1804Smiths H New York
William T. Robinson11/22/180411/28/1804History New York
John Oothoudt1/21/18051/25/1805Smiths New York
John Forbes2/2/18052/7/1805Smith's New York
James Jay2/13/18052/15/1805History New York
William Boyd3/6/18053/7/1805Smith's New York
Gabriel Furman3/9/18053/27/1805Smiths New York
Cornelius Bogert5/21/18056/3/1805Smiths New York
Thomas Service9/6/180511/4/1805History NewYork
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