Das Buch meteororvm / des Edlen vnd Hochgelerten Herrn Avreoli Theophrasti von Hohenheim Paracelsi genant ... ; Item: Liber qvartvs Paramiri de Matrice. Vor in Truck nie aussgangen.
Alternate Titles
Liber de matrice.
Cologne: Arnoldi Byrckmans Erben, 1566.
Library copy from Winthrop Collection, No. 188. On 1st blank recto in ms, black ink John Winthrop's inscription with references to John Dee and his authorship of "Monas Hieroglyphica", signed and dated 1640; on verso: autograph of Wait Winthrop "Wintropi"; 16 in red pencil, 188 in pencil, No. 455 in black ink. On 2nd blank recto annotations and drawing by John Dee. Extensive annotations throughout.