City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library
William Barriffe
Militarie discipline: or The young artillery-man. VVherein is discoursed and shown the postures both of musket and pike, the exactest way, &c. Together with the exercise of the foot in their motions, with much variety: as also, diverse and several formes for the imbattelin small or greater bodies, demonstrated by the number of a single company, with the reducements: very necessary for all such as are studious in the art military. Whereunto is also added, the postures and beneficial vse of the half-pike, joyned with the musket. With the way to draw-up the Swedish brigade. As also, Mars his triumph. And in this last edition is added, some brief instructions for the exercising of the cavalry, or horse-troopes. The sixth edition, newly revised and enlarged, by Colonel William Barriffe.
London: Printed by Gartrude Dawson, 1661.