City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

Edmund Calamy

The nonconformist’s memorial: being an account of the ministers, who were ejected or silenced after the Restoration, particularly by the Act of Uniformity, which took Place on Bartholomew-Day, Aug. 24, 1662. Containing a concise view of their lives and characters, Their Principles, Sufferings, and Printed Works. Originally written by the reverend and learned Edmund Calamy, D.D. Now abridged and corrected and the author’s additions inserted, with many further Particulars, and new Anecdotes, by Samuel Palmer. To which is prefixed an introduction, containing a brief History of the Times in which they lived, and the Grounds of their Nonconformity. Embellished with the heads of many of those venerable divines. ...

London: Printed for Alexr. Hogg, at No. 16, Pater Noster-Row, 1778.
Circulation by Volume 
The nonconformist’s memorial: being an account of the ministers, who were ejected or silenced after the Restoration, particularly by the Act of Uniformity, which took Place on Bartholomew-Day, Aug. 24, 1662. Containing a concise view of their lives and characters, Their Principles, Sufferings, and Printed Works. Originally written by the reverend and learned Edmund Calamy, D.D. Now abridged and corrected and the author’s additions inserted, with many further Particulars, and new Anecdotes, by Samuel Palmer. To which is prefixed an introduction, containing a brief History of the Times in which they lived, and the Grounds of their Nonconformity. Embellished with the heads of many of those venerable divines. ... Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
Readers by Occupation

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This Title Library Average
Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
Israel WilkesVolume 18/24/17898/28/1789Callamy's Noncon. MemorialSelf
John P. PearssVolume 111/27/178912/2/1789Callamy's Nonconformists
John P. PearssVolume 212/2/178912/11/1789"
Samuel DelaplaineVolume 11/12/17921/14/1792Cal Non Conformist
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