City Readers Digital Historic Collections at the New York Society Library

The philosophical magazine. Comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce. By Alexander Tilloch, member of the London Philosophical Society.

London: Printed for the Proprietors: and sold by messrs. [William] Richardson, Cornhill; [Thomas] Cadell and [William] Davies, Strand; [John] Debrett, Piccadilly; [John] Murray and [Samuel] Highley, No. 32, Fleet-street; [Henry Delahoy] Symonds, Paternoster-Row; [Joseph] Bell, No. 148, Oxford-street; [Thomas] Vernor and [Thomas] Hood, Poultry; [John] Harding, No. 36, St. James’s-street; J[ames]. Remnant, High-street, St. Giles’s; and W. Remnant, Hamburgh, 1798-1813.
Not in Collection
Circulation by Volume 
The philosophical magazine. Comprehending the various branches of science, the liberal and fine arts, agriculture, manufactures, and commerce. By Alexander Tilloch, member of the London Philosophical Society. Library Average
Circulation records from 1793-1799 are lost.
Readers by Occupation

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Readers by occupation
This Title Library Average
Borrower Name Volume Date Out Date In Fine Transcribed
Rep. Ledger
John Abraham DenomendieVolume 69/9/18022/26/18028/6Philosoph Mag
David GardinerVolume 119/16/18029/23/1802Philosop. Mag
Peter WilsonVolume 1010/6/180210/26/1802Philosoph Mag
John Stevens, IIIVolume 1010/11/180210/15/1802Philosop. Mag
John Stevens, IIIVolume 710/15/180210/18/1802"
John Stevens, IIIVolume 810/15/180210/18/1802"
John Stevens, IIIVolume 910/15/180210/18/1802"
Peter WilsonVolume 110/26/180210/27/1802Philosoph Mag
John Stevens, IIIVolume 1010/29/180212/4/1802Philosoph Mag
James Inglis Jr.11/14/18027/20/1802"
Peter WilsonVolume 812/11/180212/13/1802Philosoph Mag
John Le ConteVolume 112/18/180212/22/1802Philosophical Mag
John Le ConteVolume 212/22/180212/28/1802"
John Stevens, IIIVolume 1112/24/18021/7/1803Philosop. Mag
John Le ConteVolume 312/28/180212/31/1802"
John Le ConteVolume 412/31/18021/5/1803"
John Le ConteVolume 512/31/18021/10/1803"
Peter WilsonVolume 812/31/18022/6/1803Philosoph Mag
John AveryVolume 11/4/18031/18/1803Philosoph Mag
John Le ConteVolume 71/10/18031/15/1803"
John Le ConteVolume 91/15/18031/17/1803"
John AveryVolume 21/18/18031/26/1803Philosoph Mag
John Le ConteVolume 101/19/18031/24/1803Philosophical Mag
John Le ConteVolume 111/24/18031/29/1803"
John AveryVolume 31/26/18032/19/1803Philosoph Mag
John Le ConteVolume 62/26/18033/3/1803Philosoph Mag
Peter AndersonVolume 13/3/18033/8/1803Philosoph Mag
John Le ConteVolume 83/3/18033/7/1803"
John KempVolume 33/25/18034/20/1803Philosoph Mag
John Vernon HenryVolume 13/29/18034/5/1803Philosoph Mag
John Vernon HenryVolume 23/29/18034/5/1803Philosoph Mag
John Vernon HenryVolume 33/29/18034/5/1803Philosoph Mag
John Vernon HenryVolume 43/29/18034/5/1803Philosoph Mag
John Vernon HenryVolume 53/29/18034/5/1803Philosoph Mag
John KempVolume 43/30/18033/31/1803Philosophical Mag
John KempVolume 53/31/18034/1/1803"
John KempVolume 64/1/18034/9/1803"
John Vernon HenryVolume 74/5/18034/9/1803"
John KempVolume 84/9/18034/11/1803"
John KempVolume 94/11/18034/13/1803"
John KempVolume 104/13/18034/18/1803"
John KempVolume 114/18/18034/20/1803"
John WoodVolume 15/7/18035/18/1803Philosoph Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 25/16/18035/19/1803Philosoph. Mag
John Le ConteVolume 25/18/18035/23/1803Philosoph Mag
William M. RossVolume 75/24/18036/10/1803Philosoph Mag
William M. RossVolume 76/10/18036/18/1803"
John WoodVolume 27/21/18037/25/1803Philosoph Mag.
John WoodVolume 37/25/18037/27/1803Philosoph Mag
John KempVolume 17/26/18037/28/1803Philosoph Mag
John KempVolume 37/28/18037/30/1803"
John KempVolume 47/30/18038/3/1803"
John KempVolume 58/3/18038/4/1803"
William Samuel JohnsonVolume 18/4/18038/15/1803Philosophical Mag
John KempVolume 68/4/18038/9/1803"
William Samuel JohnsonVolume 28/15/18038/27/1803Philosophical Mag
John KempVolume 78/17/18038/24/1803Philosophical Mag
John WoodVolume 38/24/18038/30/1803Philosophical Mag
John WoodVolume 48/24/18038/30/1803Philosophical Mag
John WoodVolume 58/24/18038/30/1803Philosophical Mag
John KempVolume 88/24/18038/27/1803"
John KempVolume 98/27/180311/9/1803"
Joseph EdenVolume 111/12/180311/16/1803Philosophical Mag
John KempVolume 912/7/180312/7/1803"
Gulian LudlowVolume 11/27/18041/30/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 21/27/18041/30/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 31/30/18042/4/1804"
Gulian LudlowVolume 31/30/18042/1/1804Philosophical Mag
Gulian LudlowVolume 41/30/18042/1/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 42/4/18042/11/1804"
Gulian LudlowVolume 32/14/18042/25/1804Philosophical Mag
Francis Keymer2/18/18042/27/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 52/18/18042/27/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 62/27/18043/2/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 73/2/18043/16/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 103/19/18043/20/1804Philosophical Mag
Joseph EdenVolume 113/20/18043/21/1804"
John Le ConteVolume 11/26/18051/30/1805Philosophical Mag
John Le ConteVolume 21/30/18052/8/1805"
John Le ConteVolume 32/8/18052/11/1805"
John Le ConteVolume 42/11/18052/14/1805"
John Le ConteVolume 52/14/18052/19/1805"
John Le ConteVolume 52/23/18052/27/1805Philosoph Mag
John Le ConteVolume 72/27/18053/6/1805"
John Le ConteVolume 83/8/18053/12/1805"
John Le ConteVolume 93/21/18053/30/1805Philosoph Mag
John Le ConteVolume 103/30/18054/8/1805"
John Le ConteVolume 125/2/18055/13/1805Philosophical Mag
John Le ConteVolume 135/20/18055/27/1805Philosophical Mag
John Le ConteVolume 146/1/18056/4/1805Philosop. Mag
John Le ConteVolume 156/17/18056/21/1805Philosophical Mag
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